I'm going to try and participate in Iain's annual Get Something Done event. Right now, my plan is to complete EITHER of the following, but not both:
Static Lighting Generator 3
- Transfer to libpng √
- Support for southward-facing walls √
- Support for rectangular icon_sizes
- Support for perspective-skewed icon_sizes
- Upgrade to planar mapping method
- - Fixes eclipse bug, makes next two possible
- Arbitrarily shaped (convex) and sized "shadow shapes" (optional)
- Semi-transparent walls (optional)
That list is a little misleading, because I've just implemented several of those over the past couple of hours for Darke (turns out there's a bug in GDI+ 1.0 with large image dimensions, that isn't in the vista/win7-only GDI+ 1.1). Marked 'em with a √, and some of the others are partially implemented, or at least planned out.
Failing an interest in that, I'll give myself a second option just to double my chances:
- Complete ANY TWO of the unfinished demos or libraries I have laying around, complete with comments, relevant demonstration code, and hub page.
Best of luck to everyone else who is participating!
![]() May 9 2011, 6:14 am
![]() May 9 2011, 6:18 am
Hey, if you get either of these done I'm sure it'll be a great help for developers around here! Cool stuff! (:
I'm going to leave this here.
http://i55.tinypic.com/oseot2.png [EDIT]: This uses the Static Light Generator... I guess version 2.5 |
D4RK3 54B3R wrote:
I'm going to leave this here. Hah, you weren't kidding, that is f-ing beautiful. Brings a tear to my eye :') (I would like to note to other readers that Darke wrote his own lighting system for his walls, and used my generator for the floors) |
Yut Put wrote:
I was actually thinking about using this since it's just so damn cool. They would let you create glass of a sort, that only partially obscures the light. I guess a thin strip of it would also look good for a fence. |
Yut Put wrote:
Would you be able to add a variable that allows us to change the roughness of our material so that it automatically shades little bumps into it? Bump mapping, even a simple version, is way beyond the scope of this library. I do actually want to finish it at some point and make a game, after all ;) |
Yut Put wrote:
Haha, well it still looks really awesome and I'll probably end up using it soon. One more question, Will window-type openings in your objects be possible(if that's not already done) Hmmm, that's an interesting question. I assume your asking if the walls can have partial openings in them for a perspective view? It wasn't something I had considered before. I'll think about it, but even if I could subtract out a window-sized hole from the wall's shading, shading the window sill would be difficult because of the perspective (ie its y-coord is actually lower than it appears) For a top-down view, you could create an opening of whatever size you wanted with shadow objects, once I implement them. |
Yut Put wrote:
I'm trying to replace the tile-based dynamic lighting in Sirius with your smooth static lighting, but every time I try to use Generate it tells me that I have to get the C++ libraries. I tried, but both of them say that they aren't win32 applications and crash. What's your operating system, is it 32 or 64 bit, what's your web browser, do you have administrator rights, and is the file you downloaded named "vcredist_x86.exe"? |
Yut Put wrote:
I'm pretty sure it's 32 bit... this is a very old laptop on windows 2k Ah, that's the problem. The 2010 runtime doesn't support Windows 2000. I can look into compiling against an older version of the C++ runtime (it looks like 2008 supports Windows 2000 Service Pack 4), but I'm not entirely sure how to do that. |
Yut Put wrote:
Okay, now I have everything set up on a computer that can run it. When I use the Generate verb, it freezes up for about thirty seconds and then I get a lightmap icon that is filled with many, many blank icon states. Ah, yes, that's the bug in GDI+ 1.0 I was referring to in my post. I've already fixed that in the release I'm working on by switching to a new system (libpng). I'll tidy things up and release a new version tonight for you. |