Well, as a foreword: An early "Happy Mother's Day"!

Now, onto business. After taking a look at IainPeregrine's Get Something Done challenge, I feel moderately obliged to enter. With that, I went with the first thing that popped up into my head. A small Pokemon game. I have been in a slight Pokecraze lately, while playing Soul Silver on my DS. Unlike what that suggests, however, I want to rather recreate the original games. The original Pokemon, with an interface that mimics a GameBoy. I am willing to program everything: I just need someone who can help me out. I need someone to get me the original icons, or recreate them in good quality. I would prefer using the original icons, such as the ones found in Pokemon Red, Blue, and Green.

If someone can do this for me, I would greatly appreciate it.
I will be posting this in BYOND Art Society's forums as well.