When somebody purchases a BYOND Membership through your hub referral (which I had no idea existed until the other day) how much does the developer get? Is it $5 like the user referral (I think it was $5)? If so, interested in increasing it a bit? Maybe $8?
As I've mentioned in other posts, I'm looking to make a bunch of smaller casual games (10 to 12 this year alone) like my most recent, Startegem. All the games will be linked together with a friends list, chats, and other various things. Making money from them is a problem, though.
I've decided instead of doing individual subs which nobody would buy or would be too cheap to really make money, or shared subs (which might work after a bunch of games done), I'm going to be giving BYOND Members the special benefits. This will hopefully add value to the BYOND Membership (hopefully other developers can do the same). Even though this is likely the least profitable, since most people will likely already have the membership or buy them outside the games (not likely one of these games will get somebody to spend $24, but it might push them over the edge), I figure it would help BYOND quite a bit, which hopefully helps me in turn, now or later down the road.
Casual games aren't played much with the current BYOND community, but the ones I am making are perfectly designed for the Flash client and could become very popular to outsiders and help BYOND bring in a bigger and better community. The games are 100% map/screen objects with unlimited (or however many the server can process) instances of the game able to run on the same server. They're very high quality and very polished, which could show people BYOND can have games that aren't ugly and half finished.
Anyway, back on topic, what are the rewards from getting people to get BYOND Memberships through your hub referrals?
Jan 18 2013, 8:43 pm
Jan 19 2013, 8:01 am
You're not happy with how much memberships cost now? Increasing the amount a refer gets would increase the cost, knowing BYOND. Even though you do not receive actual cash, but only a representation of credit on this website, it still cost them actual cash to give you anything. Mostly because you can turn around and buy membership with what you earn.
Referrals should be $5. We can work with that if it seems to be a viable business model (currently not much money is transacted this way, although a few users have done very well with subscription services).
In response to Tom
Falacy has made a couple thousands, off of his Subscriptions.
In response to Flysbad
Flysbad wrote:
Falacy has made a couple thousands, off of his Subscriptions. Which are "tax-free" as he completely bypasses BYOND subscription services in the first place. |
In response to SuperAntx
SuperAntx wrote:
Flysbad wrote: Falacy owned a Dragon Ball Game, I doubt BYOND wanted to receive money from that, they could've been reported even more by whoever owns it's copyright. |
In response to SuperAntx
SuperAntx wrote:
Flysbad wrote: I don't see what's wrong on doing that, whatever. |
There's nothing wrong with using your own subscription system (and in the case of fangames, it's the only option as we are not going to get involved in that). BYOND's system is intended as a convenience feature as well as a way for the developer to directly support BYOND (the moneys from this being a non-trivial part of our income at the moment). While it is not the developers' obligation to financially help BYOND, it is probably in their best interest because the services we provide (both development and maintenance) will not last indefinitely without bringing in an income.