Yeah. . The Title says it all, anyone willing to help me out here?
Of course i'll do it, why didn't you ask me or at the Css guild?

Some examples. GuildCSS?command=view_post&post=112657

Css Guild.

Now could i ask that you do this so that i can do it for you?

Manage Site ->
Manage Fans/contributors ->
On left there's a box to Add ranks ->
Make the rank Layout Manager and click add rank ->
Click Add privilege and select Manage layout.
Now find me in the default rank and move me to the Layout manager.

And finally tell me what kind of css you'd actually want?

Page header title : ?

Color theme: ?


Hover affect:?
Rofl Teka, your level of willingness is almost scary xD
Pager Head Title: Persian Empire Lounge

Color Theme: Very dark Purple

Background: A moon or something?

Hover Affect: No need.
And by the way, I gave you Privallages.
hmmm o.o
Alittle more Darker purple? More like a "Black-Purple" Like Dark Grape Juice :)
I like this one. IF the purple moon was cut in half and aligned with the title. It'd look epic.
Yeah but I suppose this is good enough.