I'm interested in the variety of ways you all handle stress. Currently, I'm in a stress in regards to perfection - I need to raise my GPA to roughly a 3.7 to be UC Berkeley competitive, and that means no screwing around.
Unfortunately, with work, this can fall short and I get more stressed out than anything, which causes me to do even more poor. Anyways, I was interested in how you guys handle it - ways that you deal with unnecessary stress that causes us to do irrational, human things.
![]() May 6 2011, 7:20 pm
Don't get stressed out and just go with the flow. Although this probably wouldn't land you with a 3.7 GPA if you're not already at that point...
I have a friend who's studying to be an Optometrist and he's always so stressed about keeping a 4.0 GPA. He's so stressed that he's developed health problems. Sometimes I joke with him that it's going to be ironic when he goes blind because he's studying to be an optometrist and some of the health problems he develops when stressed is a decrease in vision. |
BrickSquadron wrote:
Don't get stressed out and just go with the flow. Although this probably wouldn't land you with a 3.7 GPA if you're not already at that point... That would explain a lot with me.. I have a reoccurring problem with my left eye where it will randomly go blind for anywhere between 30 minutes to an hour. Never got too concerned about it but I've always kept in in mind. |
Kumorii wrote:
That would explain a lot with me.. That's a very very very serious medical problem. You need to see an optometrist, who will likely send you to a doctor. Sudden blindness can be a symptom of very serious problems, and that's just when it lasts a few minutes. I have no idea what it means if it lasts for up to a whole hour. Google "sudden blindness". |
When I get stressed out, I like to punch pillows. I'm getting quite good at it. There's a certain amount of satisfaction in watching a helpless pillow fly across the room, and land with a "plop"
I actually don't really get stressed in the first place. I'm pretty easy-going, which I consider a blessing. I think the key to dealing with stress is stopping it from happening in the first place. My key is actually my religion. As a Christian, I can stay active in my life while also saying that things are in God's hands. Whether you believe they actually are or not, it certainly does the trick for me and hasn't let me down yet.
Last time I did get really stressed out, though, I threw a dictionary at my wall. Obviously putting a hole in my wall, it only added more stress. |
I work out, it's an extremely good habit. I blast some music and work out for an hour or two.
I don't really have much in the way of stress issues nowadays, but back in uni and at school I'd tend to play games when I was feeling miserable and/or stressed. Nothing that required thought. Solitaire was one favourite, as was Peggle. Just kinda get lost in it for a few hours.
Doing some programming is another thing you can get lost in and forget your problems with, so that's an option. |
I play contact sports to relieve stress.
Either that or goto bed at 6-7pm after a really bad day. |
Stress is making my hair fall out. Got like 3 small circular bald spots, I think its called alopecia or something.
I don't really get stressed.
But then again i do have a punching bag and do regular exercise so i guess, without that it may be different, but i believe i'm just fairly relaxed. And if i do end up stressed i would avoid whatever stressing me for a while. |
I don't stress...ever. As soon as the brain of mine senses something that could cause stress it just erases it and/or I just ignore it.
I don't get stressed out, I just do everything at a relaxed pace until I get it done. It's probably why I get terribly little sleep (usually 4 or so hours on school nights, sometimes more or less depending on what I have to do), and its why I fall asleep in class a lot, but I have like a 3.99 GPA right now excluding the modifiers for taking AP and honors classes, so it works.
I don't really recommend what I do, though, I think its stunted my growth a bit, and my mind has moved much slower since the beginning of the school year. EDIT: and on the occasion that I do get stressed and its not late at night (that's typically the only time I ever do feel too stressed), I like to play piano and go for a run. |
The downside to this is that it's likely the root of my periodic depression issues.
Wouldn't recommend it. I hear bitching about life on Omegle helps. [;