BYOND Version:481
Operating System:Windows Vista Home Premium 64-bit
Web Browser:Firefox 4.0.1
Applies to:Dream Seeker
Status: Unverified

Thus far we've been unable to verify or reproduce this bug. Or, it has been observed but it cannot be triggered with a reliable test case. You can help us out by editing your report or adding a comment with more information.
Descriptive Problem Summary:
Hi, there. First, thank you for your time to read over this. I'll try to explain what's happening very thoroughly, although this is a bit short. Whenever I highlight chat-text in a game for general purposes (copy&paste, easier reading with inverted colors, showing other people text, accidentally, etc.), Dream Seeker tries to highlight everything else after that. Whether or not future text will show up or not doesn't matter. It will still try to highlight it. I have tried to highlight text higher up in the text-box, in hopes of cancelling the highlighting at the bottom.

Numbered Steps to Reproduce Problem:
1. Open game that has people chatting.
2. Highlight any piece of text in the chatbox.
Code Snippet (if applicable) to Reproduce Problem:

Expected Results:
On my Windows 7 computer, this is no problem. The chatbox will just auto-scroll and the highlighted text will stay fixed at whatever I highlighted. It won't try to highlight everything else under it. That's what I expected on this Vista, too.
Actual Results:
I highlight the text and the game starts to get slow. Instead of people's text appearing instantaneously, it will do a "marquee text" sort of thing with it. If there is a lot of chat, then my Dream Seeker will hang and crash. If there is not a lot of chat, it is still a problem because I cannot cancel the highlighting.
Does the problem occur:
Every time? Or how often?
Every time I try to highlight something.
In other games?
No other PC games that I have played has this problem.
In other user accounts?
This happens no matter what account is logged in.
On other computers?
I have tried doing this on Windows 7, but with my expected results.

When does the problem NOT occur?
On any other computer.
Did the problem NOT occur in any earlier versions? If so, what was the last version that worked? (Visit to download old versions for testing.)
The problem occurred in prior versions of BYOND. I first experienced it when I downloaded BYOND on this computer, and it was at version 479.
None that I have found yet.
This sounds like it could be an error in the richedit control, which if it is will be hard for us to deal with, but it would help to have a screenshot and/or a demo project. Since I've never experienced problems with highlights and I've used that in active chat environments all the time, I'm moving this to Unverified till we have more information to test.

One other thing that would help would be if you could provide details of any crash. Specifically, I need to know which module crashed and at which offset.
I will have two YouTube links uploaded here in a few that shows exactly what I'm talking about. I understand the bug report was a little unclear, but I know this will make everything a little bit better to understand.
That should help, but we'll still need details on where the crash is occurring.
What do you mean? I only know that the crash is occurring on the game that I have open. The window will get slower, hang, then finally freeze up, with the ultimate end of it being an error message that says "Dream Seeker has stopped working--please wait or click close program...."

Nothing else goes out. Not the BYOND client, there are no other error messages.
Here, I have the first video.

This is what my Dream Seeker looks like normally, if I never click, drag, or right click on my chatbox.

The description has a little more detail.
Now here is the second video with me experimenting with the highlighting of the chatbox.

The description has much more detail.
So that's a freeze, not a crash. Unfortunately this is gonna be tough to diagnose without a demo. I've never experienced slowdowns like you describe when highlighting an active chat.
Very true. My thought is that it's just Vista being Vista, but I wanted a little more closure before I jump to that conclusion.
In response to Lummox JR
With the coming out of windows 10, this has re-emerged as a problem. BYOND is at its latest version (507.1286), GPU is up to date, nothing wrong on my end. But after jumping to Windows 10, the text does come in very slowly, as if it were intensive on the CPU or something. If more than one line of text comes in at once, dreamseeker more often than not hangs into either a crash or a multiple-minute hangup.
In response to Mocheeze
Mocheeze wrote:
With the coming out of windows 10, this has re-emerged as a problem. BYOND is at its latest version (507.1286), GPU is up to date, nothing wrong on my end. But after jumping to Windows 10, the text does come in very slowly, as if it were intensive on the CPU or something. If more than one line of text comes in at once, dreamseeker more often than not hangs into either a crash or a multiple-minute hangup.

You should probably open a new report, instead of replying to one that's 4 years old. Not to mention, your issue sounds different.