So, the JRPG I am working on is coming along pretty well.
I've more or less finished the entire menu system. Including an inventory, status screen (which lists equipment, stats and skills), a journal that keeps a log of almost everything (quests, items, monsters and so on) and one or two other screens associated with some of the games systems.
I've also half finished the battle system. Battles work, and the foundation for them exists, there is just nothing to fight with or against (no real enemies, skills/abilities and so on).
Pic related. It's me and my party wandering around in the forest.
When suddenly the screen flashes (you can't see if, but if you could, it'd look awesome)...
And my butt already feels sore.
Guess I should have equipped some weapons and armor.
Before you ask, yeah. All of the menus in the game are done through interfaces. I'm too lazy to make some sort of system to add all this stuff on screen, which would inevitably feel choppy and awkward.
So I am using interfaces (and lets face it, no one would have ever known I was using interfaces if not for the single scroll bar, which I can probably remove anyway).
The menus still need some polishing off though, mostly some of the text is off center and needs positioning better.
Depending on how lazy I am feeling, give or take 2-3 weeks, I may have something that is barely playable.
Apr 29 2011, 6:57 am
Apr 29 2011, 8:27 am
Looks great, dude! Everything seems pretty streamlined.
D4RK3 54B3R wrote:
Cool RMXP/RMVX graphics bro I knew someone would say that, so I specifically saved this link. Read the lines... "All of our resources are free, without regard to your game is a shareware or a free-ware. Of course, you can also subscribe your game used our graphic data for a game contest. Although our resources are for RPG Tkool 2000*1, you can use them for a original programming game, for your website, for a movie, for a screen saver, etc." They are NOT RPG Maker graphics, they were designed for use with RPG Maker, but can be used in any way, shape or form you want with any program you want. If you continue reading, you will see that you can freely use or edit the graphics, and even sell games made with them as you want. The same applies for every single graphic used in the game. All are freeware and can be used in pretty much any way you want. |
D4RK3 54B3R wrote:
Cool RMXP/RMVX graphics bro Fail bro @The Magic Man I am not sure, so I would like to ask if this also affects sprites from RPG Maker XP? How do you think? |
Kisioj wrote:
@The Magic Man No. The license agreement for RPG Maker XP (and VX) specifically states that the RTP package (that is all the resources, graphics, music and sound effects) are for use with RPG Maker software only. run-time-package#axzz1Ky5pmTW2 The website says... "Licensee shall not reverse engineer, de-compile, or disassemble the RTP SOFTWARE. Further, Licensee shall not sell, distribute, assign, lease, sublicense, encumber, or otherwise transfer the RTP SOFTWARE and/or its data without any prior written consent of ENTERBRAIN." This means you cannot edit the graphics, use them in your game, or distribute them through any means (using them in a game is distributing them) without Enterbrains permission. Enterbrains permission = buying RPG Maker and using the graphics within that program only. But, if you have bought and are using RPG Maker, then you are allowed to use and edit the graphics and even sell games made with them. But if you want even more clarification. Ask Enterbrain. Maybe they have changed their stance, given that RPG Maker XP is getting old now (it's what... 6-7 years old?). |
One easy fix for your scrolling skill bar thing could be to just display skills the player possesses. I see a lot of 0s there, and navigating through my skills could be a pain.
Though I see "Swords 2" is at the top, so that helps navigating if you organize it in descending order like that... Unless it was just coincidentally put up top. |