(See the best response by Nadrew.)
from the reference:

(Note for animations: When building an animated icon_state from scratch, you can only add 16 new animation frames at a time; i.e., frame<=total_frames+16. Higher values for frame will be ignored. This is a safety precaution.)

How can we get around this?
Best response
By splitting your Insert() calls I'd imagine. (Off-topic, gonna get things ready for you by the weekend, been a tricky couple weeks, sorry.)
In response to Nadrew
Nadrew wrote:
By splitting your Insert() calls I'd imagine. (Off-topic, gonna get things ready for you by the weekend, been a tricky couple weeks, sorry.)

It says anything higher than 16 will be ignored.

and ok :D
"You can only add 16 new frames at a time" using a second Insert() call would avoid it.
In response to Nadrew
Nadrew wrote:
"You can only add 16 new frames at a time" using a second Insert() call would avoid it.

That then raises the question, how do you add more than one frame at once?
I believe the limit is for the frame parameter. The condition frame<=total_frames+16 must be be true.
In response to Jemai1
Jemai1 wrote:
I believe the limit is for the frame parameter. The condition frame<=total_frames+16 must be be true.

I am assuming this does not apply to me and how I use Insert(). I only insert one frame at a time, therefore my frame parameter is never going to be more than total_frames + 16 at any given Insert() call.