"Is technology killing the art of conversation?
"Is the internet invading our privacy?
Okay- first up. Wtf? You're an ISP company, idiots. You may as well put up billboards that say "Our free IM service is one of the largest breeding grounds for child porn", or "AOL- we like little kids".
Secondly, those questions are stupid, stupid questions. Don't stick biased questions next to the word discuss- stick them next to the word "propaganda". Everyone knows questions like that are pitched- designed to make you take one side of view.
"Is technology killing the art of conversation?
That is a biased question, suggesting an answer and putting negative imagery/portrayal of technology in our minds. It should be:
"What are the influences of technology on conversation?
Same with:
"Is the internet invading our privacy?
"What is the impact of the internet on our privacy?
Or, of course, in AOL's case-
1) Asking numerous questions to talk to get a transfer
2) Them asking a billion questions about offers that they never wanted to give when we had AOL
3) Asking a thousand more questions
4) More questions
5) More overboard than my last two steps-questions
6) Even more questions
7) After a long hard battle that lasted 4 hours, AOL lost in the 12th round.