So AOL has been plastering my hometown with signs.

"Is technology killing the art of conversation?


"Is the internet invading our privacy?

Okay- first up. Wtf? You're an ISP company, idiots. You may as well put up billboards that say "Our free IM service is one of the largest breeding grounds for child porn", or "AOL- we like little kids".

Secondly, those questions are stupid, stupid questions. Don't stick biased questions next to the word discuss- stick them next to the word "propaganda". Everyone knows questions like that are pitched- designed to make you take one side of view.

"Is technology killing the art of conversation?

That is a biased question, suggesting an answer and putting negative imagery/portrayal of technology in our minds. It should be:

"What are the influences of technology on conversation?

Same with:

"Is the internet invading our privacy?

"What is the impact of the internet on our privacy?

Or, of course, in AOL's case- discuss. Screw AOL.
AOL is the devil, we switched to DSL a while ago, but my mom kept AOL as a backup one of our modems busted. But we have everything going so nicely we went to cancel it yesterday, and this was what happened:

1) Asking numerous questions to talk to get a transfer
2) Them asking a billion questions about offers that they never wanted to give when we had AOL
3) Asking a thousand more questions
4) More questions
5) More overboard than my last two steps-questions
6) Even more questions
7) After a long hard battle that lasted 4 hours, AOL lost in the 12th round.
My aunt uses AOL. i think she still does though. I, will never use AOL. I use AIM, but only on Trillian. That is about as close to having AOL as i will ever be.
wait if its America Online then whys it in england?
wait if its American Army then why is it in iraq
Fuck globalisation, and fuck capitalism. >:|
The least they could do is change the name to EOL. >:|
Elation you know damn well america doesnt want bush as president but the fucking country is so lazy that only 31.3% of the people that could vote, did vote. and it was still a close race.


I say this as an Anti republican, down with arnold, down with bush!

P.S the arnold thing was cuz im in cali
oh and by the way the army isnt in Iraq the marines are =]
He's the president because Texas has a high electoral college.
I'm in cali too. Arnold isn't the best, but he's better than that gray davis fuck we had before.
Afghaniman: actually, the army is in Iraq, along with most branches of the armed forces. The marines do make up the largest portion in Iraq, but they are not the only ones.

Also, when Bush was elected, he had a high approval rating, if more people would have voted, there is a good chance that he would have still won. Even in the second election he had high ratings.

On top of that, we, as Americans, have the right not to vote, and I don't like the fact that you assume I am fat and lazy just because I chose not to vote.

You, sir, are an idiot.

"Next time you have a thought, let it go." --Ron White
Oh come on. Arnold Schwarzenegger isn't that bad... but I'm sort of pissed at how he didn't keep his promises about funding for hospitals and education.

But yeah, AOL R TEH SUXX
"wait if its American Army then why is it in iraq"

I loved that. =D

Well i'll side with you as well on the whole "AOL sucks" front. Although I think advertising is annoying in general.
Cheetoz : AOL is the devil, we switched to DSL a while ago, but my mom kept AOL as a backup one of our modems busted. But we have everything going so nicely we went to cancel it yesterday, and this was what happened:

1) Asking numerous questions to talk to get a transfer
2) Them asking a billion questions about offers that they never wanted to give when we had AOL
3) Asking a thousand more questions
4) More questions
5) More overboard than my last two steps-questions
6) Even more questions
7) After a long hard battle that lasted 4 hours, AOL lost in the 12th round.

I had that EXACT same problem. Although it took me 6 hours, because they kept wanting to talk to my dad instead of my mom. In the end, we finally won, and got Verizon DSL. =D
Yea! They did that to us too. The money was comming out of my moms account, and they kept wanting to speak to my step-dad. They are all a bit retarded. We have Verizon too, but we are switching to Comcast in the next week or so.
Comcast and Verizon are the exact same speed, I checked. :P
comcast cable pwns verizon DSL
Verizon DSL rox my sox...
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