I guess I'm in aswell. Kinda like to RP in free time, even though I'm not that good... xD
I'll attempt to put it up once we have around 10 replies to this message ;) In the meantime, if you can provide a shell server please send me a message over MSN. My MSN is [email protected]
Man, can't wait to RP again. I am preparing a character for the first wipe, and I hope I finally can have a role in the events. By they way anyone remembers me? I suppose not...
Oh hell yes, One of the best RP games in my opinion, so please, if you would put the game back up, Twould be awesome!
Alright, I'll bring the game back up. Unfortunately, nobody has contacted me with shell details so I don't know how long it's going to take.
Where / How can i go to the forums? I'd like to apply for some figures if they're not taken already..
This game needs a revive D:..I'll be online from time to time if you want to rp or something.
Umm, like what happen admin's havent logged on in a while. Game still up people still wanting to play so can some one come watch over the server. Incase of bugs, grading and people being complete no rpers. :)[on the other hand can i be a temp admin there's a lot of people who likes the game.}
Killer mark wrote:
Umm, like what happen admin's havent logged on in a while. Game still up people still wanting to play so can some one come watch over the server. Incase of bugs, grading and people being complete no rpers. :)[on the other hand can i be a temp admin there's a lot of people who likes the game.} I'll stay on for a few hours a day, making one or two "Rewarders" if needed. (People who can grade others.) |
Well once a game falls it takes some serious effort to make it run properly again. I think those interested could start mobilizing people towards the game, eventually some of the old admins, enforcers,... should return too even if just to appoint someone else for the job. I'll try to stay arround, every active player counts to get this going again.
It's been quite a while since anything's been posted in regards to Bleach Odyssey - Roleplay, and I thought I'd let you guys in on some of the things that I've been working on.
Firstly, I -am- working on a new Bleach Role Playing game. It will be RP based, yes, but it will not be anything like BOR. It's a completely new, completely separate game.
Secondly, I've been getting requests on and off from some of you for BOR to be put back up while I work on that game. I'm completely up for doing it, but I have to establish who's interested in seeing it up again (and will play it again) before I do anything about it.
Thirdly, I've become much more lax and so forth. I won't rule with an IRON CLAD FIST anymore (yay). If you're interested in fun, interesting RP, simply leave your name below this comment with a thumbs up if you'd like to see the game up once more. Otherwise, just make a post on the forums ;) If we get about 10-15 thumbs up, I'll try and find a host to bring it back up.
Anyway, have a good one guys!
Kind Regards,