Mikau wrote:
There was a ton of character development in the first Portal, however, if you have a head full of rocks you wouldn't have caught on to any of it.
There really wasn't. There were only 2 characters, maybe 4 if you count the little turrets and Aperture Science as characters. Practically none of them had any real development. GLADOS, whose change throughout the story was so blatant that YOU must have a head full of rocks to think anyone could have missed it. And maybe your character's change from test subject, to escapee, but I would hardly consider that substantial.

Character development doesn't have to be from a learning experience for the character
When I said character development, what I meant was some sort of leveling or other advancement systems. Though, I can understand the confusion from my post.

The problem is, once again, that some people have a head full of rocks and no squishy useful things like brains, so they don't catch on that just because the character itself isn't saying "Hey, look at me, I'm developing!" doesn't mean that they aren't, and that you are just too dense to realize it.
The problem is, once again, that if you think anybody could have missed the blatant "character development" in the first portal, then you are the one with the head full of rocks. The only story based character development in portal one was pretty much "Hey, look at me, I'm developing!". Maybe you should invest in one of those squishy brain things you seem to speak so highly of.

Sure, you didn't get to grind levels for 30 hours to get an epic sword, but it's not a god damn RPG, it's an action puzzle game.
I don't have to do that in Zelda-like adventure games either, but they surely have a sense of advancement. I'm not just moving from one gray room to the next, repeatedly shooting holes in walls

There is a hell of a lot more to it than shooting holes in walls, you have to put boxes on switches too. ;)
Portal 1 had MIND BLOWING box related puzzles as well. It also sold for multiple times less, and even at that low price, I'm not sure if it was fully worth it

D4RK3 54B3R wrote:
The game is terribly unbalanced.
The PvP is terrible at matchmaking: It is not uncommon to be placed in a match against someone who has much higher level heroes. At which point, one side gets steamrolled.
From what I've seen, being higher level makes very little difference. Also, those balance issues could be said about literally every RPG with PvP in existence, and even of most other genres. I've never tried the PvP in Darkspore, however, and I really have no intention to.

The PvE is mindnumbingly easy.
Missions get harder as you go, how far did you make it? There are also several higher difficulty levels to unlock. And more levels will be available in the finished game. There is also an "AI Director" (retarded L4D term), that is supposed to adjust the difficulty as you play, maybe the teams you were on just weren't very good?

It's pretty common to redo a number of levels because of how the PvE matchmaking works.
The only time I've ever had to unwillingly repeat a level, was because of a bug that caused it not to be marked as completed after I had finished it.

Popisfizzy wrote:
Da li govoriš Srpski?
I don't know what that means. Automated translators don't seem to know what that means. You probably don't even know what that means. So why are you trolling (I assume) in a foreign language? Was it yet another failed attempt to appear intelligent? Something about subtitles?
Maybe you were just repeating your brilliant "I am rubber, you are glue. Everything you say bounces off me and sticks to you~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" comment, since you do seem to be replying to the same material for a second time?
Falacy wrote:
[Fail trolling]
Βέβαιοι είστε πυκνοί.
Falacy wrote:
From what I've seen, being higher level makes very little difference. Also, those balance issues could be said about literally every RPG with PvP in existence, and even of most other genres. I've never tried the PvP in Darkspore, however, and I really have no intention to.

No it really makes a big difference. I've steamrolled in PvP matches in DarkSpore numerous times because the opponent's heroes were not as high level as mine.
My wins to losses ratio is very inflated as a result. It's something like 70:5

Missions get harder as you go, how far did you make it? There are also several higher difficulty levels to unlock. And more levels will be available in the finished game. There is also an "AI Director" (retarded L4D term), that is supposed to adjust the difficulty as you play, maybe the teams you were on just weren't very good?

In the betas I've played, I've played every campaign mission available during the beta period. And like I said, every time I played it was mindnumbingly easy.
If the teams I played on sucked, why would it have been so easy? There was zero challenge whatsoever in most of these coop games.

Isn't it the job of an AI director to generate an appropriate challenge for the players?
If the AI director were doing its job at all, I wouldn't be saying over and over that the game is stupid easy.

Only once out of the hundreds of coop games I've played has the difficulty been challenging.
During that game, people lost their heroes! We were lucky to have one guy play Sage for heals, and we barely made it past each part of the stage.
Keep in mind that this was once out of hundreds of coop games. Out of hundreds of hours played.

If you think DarkSpore provides a decent challenge, wouldn't it be you who sucks?

The last beta I played capped the Crogenitor level at 11, and Campaign at 4-1. I stopped playing since because I've been more or less unimpressed with most of the gameplay.
In the few PvP matches that were even, they were fantastic. But PvP gave no rewards, so I had to grind the boring and easy PvE for gear.

My main squad was level 35: SRS-42, Wraith, Vex. I used this squad for PvP and PvE.

In PvP, I used the squad abilities for Wraith and Vex to help SRS-42 kite. This resulted in SRS-42 having access to the following squad abilities: Vex's Blink, Wraith's Ghostform, and SRS-42's slow. All of these work excellently with kiting. The SRS-42 kiting was mostly my default hero. I would use it unless the enemy countered. Vex was very adept at killing other Ravager heroes, and Wraith was for killing Tanks.
D4RK3 54B3R wrote:
No it really makes a big difference. I've steamrolled in PvP matches in DarkSpore numerous times because the opponent's heroes were not as high level as mine.
Oh well, as I said, I haven't tried it. I wouldn't expect the PvP in any type of RPG to be balanced.

If the AI director were doing its job at all, I wouldn't be saying over and over that the game is stupid easy.
If everyone else on your team is half dead, and you just happen to be 1 hitting everything, then not necessarily.

Only once out of the hundreds of coop games I've played has the difficulty been challenging.
I play the game with one of my friends, almost every mission she ends up near dead, even with me healing. On almost every boss event I've encountered, I've had to swap out my own hero to prevent death.

If you think DarkSpore provides a decent challenge, wouldn't it be you who sucks?
The game is acceptably challenging from what I've seen, this new beta also seems to have a higher difficulty than the last. Almost every mission I've been on, people have had trouble keeping full health, though actually losing a hero is pretty rare. The game seems like it would be especially difficult without a healer, and boss fights should provide a challenge above normal gameplay.
I play the healer class, and keeping people alive tends to keep me pretty busy in general, so they must be taking decent amounts of damage. Granted, its not Ninja Gaiden difficult.
I find the game entertainingly difficult. If you aren't actively engaging enemies, you will most likely die. Killing them is rather easy/mindless, but its the fodder that keeps you entertained. I prefer that to games who design their difficulty around bullshit. Enemies that can 1 hit kill you, attack without warning, attacks that can't be blocked/dodged/survived, hoards of enemies that unfairly ambush you from all sides when you're only capable of fighting one, attack chains that never give you a chance to react, infinite grenade spam, etc...
I would rather the game be fun, because it has well designed, but easy to defeat AI. Than to play a game that's frustratingly difficult because the poor AI is made up for with overpowered enemies.

* PvP Strategy *
lol I just randomly attack stuff with my default weapon type
Falacy wrote:
I don't know what that means. Automated translators don't seem to know what that means. You probably don't even know what that means.

It was Serbo-Croatian, but the final s-hacek on 'govori(s-hacek)' did not get displayed correctly because BYOND does not store data using Unicode, for whatever reason.
I was under the assumption that using unicode made for larger database sizes overall?
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