Mech's or The Arts, which do you like better. The trill of hand to hand combat that get's your heart pumping or the machine to machine warfare that will determind whether you come back alive to the wife and kids lol. Also please tell why.
![]() Apr 17 2011, 3:30 pm
3 votes and no explantations, why?!?!
Martial arts is a lot less used in games. Sure Street Fighter and things like that use martial arts but they don't really reflect it. We wanna see some martial arts because it takes more skill than mecha fighting. Or at least, I do lol.
Mech franchises are a very niche crowd. Martial arts are more well-known and have had their foundations laid down through thousands of years of teachings and demonstration. The idea of a "mech" is a relatively new thing that a large percentage of gamers are ignorant to. Also, for this very same reason, it would be easier to create a martial arts game. Mechs take a lot of detail, also there is the fact that, with the human mind, you're more familiar with human anatomy than mechanical anatomy...Thus making it easier to express on a palette.
IcewarriorX wrote:
Mech franchises are a very niche crowd. Boy if you said that in Japan they'd probably slap you upside the head and call you the most baka gaijin they've ever seen :D |
O.o forgot i made this well by the votes it seems i lose that argument i had with my friend