
Poll: What is your thoughts about this?

Christianity/Catholic 20% (4)
Atheist/Non-religious 45% (9)
Hell on Earth 0% (0)
Alien-Lifeforms 15% (3)
Extended Life via Technology 10% (2)
Other 10% (2)

The polls are now closed.

I always took life for granted. I went through every day breathing, eating, sleeping, watching, smelling, hearing, tasting, feeling, hurting, crying, smiling, and the millions of other things that seem so small. I have realized (through the recent death of a close friend of mine) that Life itself is not as simple as it seems. On the surface, humanity is so superior, so intelligent, and the best species. Behind the scenes, it’s been one out of billions and billions of odds against humanity being the way it is. For having the ability to have complicated and intelligent thoughts, to perform various task that "normal" forms of nature cannot, and being able to contemplate the world we exist in through very different eyes.

I have always been raised as a Christian, being born to very religious parents who taught me the values of church and the bible. I have learned through my difficult years of public schooling and the things I do online that being Christian isn't what it’s cracked up to be. When you are innocent, like a three-year old, you think your parents can do no wrong, that God is good and that he made you unique from everyone else. But then, as you get older, you lose the innocence, learn that people make mistakes, that everyone you know and love make mistakes, that yourself has made mistakes involuntarily. As I grew older, I didn't lose my faith. I looked at it a different way, and began to seriously think about "afterlife" and "heaven."

What frightens me the most is not Death itself, for it is a natural process that happens (and is accepted) by every organic thing on earth. What humbles me and makes me question my religious upbringing is what will happen after I die? Shall I go to Heaven if I have been good and been helpful and follow all God's commandments or go to Hell if the latter be no? Will I become an empty, rotting piece of organic material and fade into blackness, to cease to exist and just poof... away... and never live in this world again. These are the things that make me think: "Why are we wasting our valuable time on this Earth hating each other over such petty things?"

I have taken the time to research Christianity as well as many other religions, philosophies, and theories related to life and death itself. All it has brought me is puzzle pieces from millions of puzzles that will never fit together to form an image. Looking at everything that the various things claim, I have noticed three main ways of thinking:

1. Heaven: You follow God or your religious figures and obey their commands and you will go to their home once you die. If not, then you go to some form of Hell or eternal punishment.

2. Brain: The Brain uses a field of electromagnetic radiation, using various parts of your brain, to form a net of energy that is called a "Conscious" and allows the person to perform intelligent thought processes, but is not visible to modern technology, so they are thought to be useless parts of the brain. When you die, this field of energy fades and you become an empty shell.

3. Twist: Your soul flows through bodies, trying to reach perfection. Once perfection is reached after being through the cycle a number of times, you are sent to a Heaven-life place to help others complete their cycles.

These ways of thinking are confusing, and I have yet to discover any helpful, factual information that will calm my curiosity. But I do realize that, with our limited lifespan and the fact that we do not know what happens when we die, that we must live to the fullest, forgive and forget, and pave the way, make a better world for future generations. In this, I apologize to anyone I have hurt (whether emotionally or verbally) and that I will think before I speak/type, look before I act, and pray before I die.
I think because we have evolved the way we are we think the universe works in a way that caters to us. Just because we can reason, which no other animal(that we know of) can do on our level, doesnt mean we have any special place in the universe. It was just a way for our species to survive. We have knowledge as the bear has strength and the elk has speed. And from a morality standpoint we are worse because anything we define as evil and commit anyway is a knowledgeable evil instead of an animals pure survival insticts, making them innocent. I dont think there is any special place for us when we die. My best guess is death will be alot like it was before you were born.
Which you can't remember nor feel. If it isn't evolution or religion, then its complete and utterless emptiness. Your mind just poofs... and you are gone forever.
Well, not poof, just dead. Its not like you'll regret it. But we could have life sustaining technologies in the future. I certainly wouldn't mind living forever depending on the quality of the sustained life.
I'm not sure humble men are allowed to call themselves humble.
Idk. I don't really consider myself a "Humbled man", I just consider my thoughts very humbling.
When God said, "LET THERE BE LIGHT"
I said, "SAY PLEASE"
Hm. I've learned an analogy I teach my Junior Highers (I volunteer) when they ask the same question. You can interpret it with more sophistication, but essentially you should get the point.

Consider a street. On the left side of the street, you see a building, and all the people who work in this building are a bit lifeless. They are in a bureaucratic organization where they don't really get to have any freedom, nor do they really have the will to do much of anything because they are so tired of their monotonous, everyday work.

On the right side, there is a building where creativity runs rampant. The building is incredibly successful and everyone there is generally happy. They get great benefits, company morale is huge, and there are parties almost daily because their stock just went up another point.

Now, on this street, the cars drive incredibly fast, and you can't really just run across the street at all. You are born on the sidewalk of the bureaucratic organization. You have a choice - you either want to stay at this boring, lifeless building where everything is just sucked out of you. Or, you can choose to cross the street. However, you might get hit. So there needs to be a cross-guard. Well, God created a cross-guard to keep us safe from harms way in crossing this street. Essentially, he was the missing bridge to allow us to cross this street that would surely kill us if we tried really crossing it. Then, when you get to the other side of the street, you may choose to join the fun, productive, successful company and live a long and prosperous, lucrative life.

Now, that's moreso how the decision plays a part of it. Basically, you have a decision: To be with God, or to not be with God.

If you are with God, you get heaven. However, if you choose not to be with God, you go to hell. God wants you in heaven, because he wants you with him. Hell was never even intended for man, it was for Satan and the fallen angels. But, God also provided us with the freedom of this choice. If you really don't want to be with God, and God is going to keep the integrity of this free will to make this choice, then what kind of compassionate God would he be to force you to come with him anyways? He wouldn't be. Hell is only "torturous" because it's separation from God - not physical, but spiritual torture, because there will always be a void. He must respect however that one makes the choice not to be with him - it saddens him, but it's not fair, in his eyes, that we be forced to be with him - he wants us to want to be with him.
Thank you. I think similarly to this, especially with your analogy concering Lucifer and his fallen angels. But its much more than my religious aspects of what Death it... it is what happens afterwards.
Well the problem with the analogy is that you assume a life without god is an empty one. Thats just plain insulting to any non-believers. Not only that, I wouldn't want to worship a god that sends you to hell for a lack of belief in him rather than the actions of your life. Surely the creator of the universe can overlook that. Especially because he's made proof of his existence rather non-existent.
"On the surface, humanity is so superior, so intelligent, and the best species."

I don't know about that. Have you ever seen a platypus before? Surely a poisonous, egg-laying, beaver-duck mammal represents the pinnacle of evolution here on our insignificant little planet.
Have we ever documented them using intelligent thought processes, indulging in complicated forms of movement, or anything that is not fueld by instinct, survival, or human-encounter?

No? Then it isn't very unique at all, other than that its an interesting organism.

And also, no offense to athiest and "non-believers", but its deeper than just God sending you to Hell for your lack of belief.
Masterdarwin88 wrote:
indulging in complicated forms of movement

A platypus' form of movement is VERY complicated and extremely hilarious.

See: gif
There is much bias used in a couple of responses I read.
I know. I want opinions, but from the heart, not from stereotypes and biased implacations.
To die is an option, until it becomes all that is left, but is it the answer?
i come from a christian family, and generally a lot of atheists i see (no offense to anybody here who are not) are quite arrogant. just a generalization, as i've said, but some just seem to believe that christianity is silly and far-fetched. i'm not a heavy believer of anything really, to be honest, but i've looked into it a bit and i found out that astronomers, astrologists, whoever, that study the universe and what/where we came from, become more religious as they learn more about the universe, because really, how do you get something out of nothing? there has to be some kind of higher power, and a big explosion isn't exactly a very good answer, not to say it's the only theory out there. another thing is life after death. i don't know how i would live in eternal glory, assuming heaven exists, when somebody i know/love is suffering in hell for eternity and i'm aware of it.
This is what I believe. I don't know what happens after death. All I have are instincts, and those instincts tell me to survive. Now that humans have established surviving, we try get comfortable surviving. We become curious about surviving. So we satisfy our wants, learning and entertainment. How do things work? I want to watch T.V. all day. Why do we eat? I want to sleep now. Why do I question everything? Because, I am.

I think (intelligently), therefore I am (Intelligent)
I see. Thank you for your Opinion.
humanity is so superior, so intelligent, and the best species

With the exception of the intelligent part, no.

EDIT: Oh, and also, DrakeEX, its a proven statistic that people become less religious as they are better educated.

EDIT 2: Oh, and also, DrakeEX, a "big explosion" is a better explanation than you think, especially when there is a good amount of evidence backing it up.
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