Actually I'm having trouble getting this to work.
Not only does it not download the library but now, for some reason, I can no longer include my demo files. |
#define FILE_DIR .
#define FILE_DIR "demo" // END_FILE_DIR // BEGIN_PREFERENCES // END_PREFERENCES // BEGIN_INCLUDE #include "" #ifdef __MAIN__ // BEGIN_DEMO #include "demo\" #include "demo\demo_map.dmm" #endif // END_DEMO // END_INCLUDE #include <bravo1\get_procs\get_ procs> |
Hm, what happens if you ditch the #include line, and simply check off the library in the Lib directory, and then compile/package?
this line is before #include ""
#include <Bravo1\get_procs\get_ procs\get_ procs.dme> |
That's fine then. Does the packaging work correctly?
Upon packaging, it should put an include.txt in the file. |
For some reason, now I can't create .zip files anymore. it says they're made but they don't exist.
Yep. I've had it create the zip in the folder, my desktop, my documents, and even tried my second hard drive. the .zip just doesn't want to show up.
Does creating the zip in other environments work? There's no way that that the #include could stop it from creating the zip, as long as there are files properly included according to the DME.
I managed to get them to show up, seems like it was the path that was wrong in the .zip creation. it was making new folders on other user account instead of using my user account. Strange.
Regarldess I'm still having issues with auto-downloading get_ procs through FOV. |
It should automatically download when someone downloads it from the hub, the pager checks include.txt and downloads the needed libraries.
Could probably make a Feature request that Dream Maker downloads needed libraries at compile-time from the hub, if they aren't in /lib. |
which of the inclusion things would I put the include.txt in when making the .zip?
Yes but when I go through the package settings, how do I add the include.txt to the .zip? Or do I just add it normally?
Yeah...but, it should automatically get generated and added to the zip, if you have the actual get_procs library included (checked off in /lib)
Put this line into the project:
#include <bravo1\get_procs\get_ procs>
Note, the format.
You only need to include the name of the DME if the name does not match the hub path, spaces matter.
This will properly create an include.txt, with the following in it:
This will properly download the needed libraries automatically when a user downloads this from the hub.
You could create your own include.txt too, with just the