well i go to the games tab then go to the search thing at the right then i try to search dragon ball z and there are no results can someone help me?
Jan 9 2013, 5:01 am
Best response
You'll probably have to use Google since fan games are hidden from the public now.
I'm just trying to get my hub back, honestly. Removed all obvious infringement and been trying to contact the BYOND staff through the supplied form, but no response as of yet. Bleh.
In response to Emasym
There should be a admin feedback topic on the forum- it's best you use that. Also, removing 'all obvious infringement' wont matter much if it's a FUNimation or Square Enix owned IP, profiting(including donations) from a copyrighted IP/material, or a rip. Not sure what hub you mean.
As for the the OP- FUNimation and Square Enix IPs are not supported by BYOND, per a cease and desist order from each. You cannot find them from the BYOND website, though the hubs still exists. |