![]() Jan 9 2013, 3:26 pm
Ah, Dofus. I believe the last time I played this, it was Runescape and Silkroad all over again: botters EVERYWHERE. What the MMO scene needs is a turn-based strategy game worth playing. There's only about a handful in existence and they're all trash. If I see a decent looking on one Kickstarter, I'm funding the crap out of it.
EmpirezTeam wrote:
Ah, Dofus. I believe the last time I played this, it was Runescape and Silkroad all over again: botters EVERYWHERE. What the MMO scene needs is a turn-based strategy game worth playing. There's only about a handful in existence and they're all trash. If I see a decent looking on one Kickstarter, I'm funding the crap out of it. How do you "see" a decent looking one? wouldn't you have to play them all thoughrouly before really making this assumption? I won't be a raging fan saying Dofus is the best tactical turn based RPG out there, but it's one of the best - and yes it could be better, because I'd prefer something closer along the lines of Disgaea... Which Wakfu really comes close to... But I'm waiting for them to stop being such dirt bags with their f2p content. |
Me and Kyle just went p2p (subscribed), which means I'll make a dofus guild in a few days guys, making it easier to communicate ingame between us ^^ also if anyone else gets as ub later on down the road after I hit lv120+ I'll be able to power lvl you up to lv80 with ease at frigost.
Wakfu was the first one I played before I knew about Dofus (which was made before)
I haven't played Dofus so I don't really know what the difference is. From what I've seen you get roughly the same amount of content, though in Wakfu you can't craft without a subscription. They are both artistically amazing games, and the way you level up yourself and your skills is really amazing. It's probably one of the best MMOs I've ever played, the only restriction is that subscription (which is like only $5 or some shit.) It's cheaper than Byond and WoW and it has a lot of depth in its characters, leveling, skills and battle system. I just wish they implemented a cash shop or something that didn't restrict the gameplay without money :/ |