Hey guys, I'm trying to get people to join me in this small turn based tactical mmo called Dofus.

At the moment we're in 3 playing this, me, ImmeasurableHate and Lige (plus my GFX artist but he gets on less often).

The game is party friendly, and leveling is really easy - My highest Lv is 66 (caps 200). The pvp is fun and balanced, and there are like 2 almost 3 dozen races to choose from, all with a unique style of gameplay.

Here's the link:

Server info: Zaitoshiwan

my msn:
skype: zancrouw
Some gameplay shots

Joining c:
I believe Wakfu is out, it's basically Dofus 2. Don't know if you've played that one yet.
It's Italian.
In response to King_LiOnZ
King_LiOnZ wrote:
It's Italian.
In response to Kozuma3
Kozuma3 wrote:
King_LiOnZ wrote:
It's Italian.

It's complicated.
In response to King_LiOnZ
King_LiOnZ wrote:
Kozuma3 wrote:
King_LiOnZ wrote:
It's Italian.

It's complicated.

I played Wakfu back in beta. It's P2P though, kinda sucks.
Dofus has more free to play content, if you take into consideration that I'm Lv66 and I still have alot of fun playing f2p, then you shouldn't even take it into consideration.

Wakfu has almost no free to play content.
You neglected to say which server you are playing on.
I thought I had edited the info, it seemed my bad internet didnt save the edit.

Server info: Zaitoshiwan

my msn:
skype: zancrouw
In response to King_LiOnZ
King_LiOnZ wrote:
Kozuma3 wrote:
King_LiOnZ wrote:
It's Italian.

It's complicated.

It's the easiest game to download, 5MBs.

Free players get monsters up to level 20 (out of 1000). You get access only to 2% of content. That's NOT fun.
You don't even know what those statistics mean without playing the game. Mob levels can go up to 150, and there are enough monsters to have a set of equipment made from them that will last you till Lv45-55. This is the map we play in, there is a dungeon, a hidden map with a Lv170 total group mob, a high lvl passage with extremely hard Rats, and you can craft anything you need in town (not to mention it's the main town in the game, which means thats where everyoen goes to sell their gear so you wont have any trouble)

Haven't played this game in over 5 years. Reason I quit was, well, Zaoshi already mentioned it.
You have reached lvl66 playing F2P?
Lemon alot has changed in 5 years, the exp rates are higher, and theres a new leveling system aligned to your main character, that lets you receive 4x exp with your alts until you reach your main chars level.

And yes Koxmok, I did. Last weekend I went from 58 to 65 thanks to x2 exp event.
Hm..I will give it a try, it looks like a good game.
add me on either msn or skype, you'll be the 7th of the group. We're enough to make a byond guild now lol
We gotta organize our players, and know which classes we are all playing (hopefully all different so we all serve a purpose)

Me - Sacrier (I have other alts obviously) (P2P)
Lige - Enirpsa (The Healer) / He likes his Cra too.
Chilly (AKA BishopGT in Byond) - Masquerade
Kyle (AKA blazekk in Byond)- Xelor (P2P)
ImmeasurableHate - Iop
Kozuma - ???
Koxmok - Sram

We could use a Xelor for an extra AP buffer, and a Sadida for AoE damager.

P.S. Post your IGNs so the other guys can add you, mines Crouw.
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