Pokemon Battle Revolution

by Zewo123
Pokemon Battle Revolution
See The World Of Pokemon


-Main Owner:Skymerion(Skymerion)
-Main Owner/Iconner:Dooney(Dooney1)
-Admin/Mapper: Needed
-Head Admin:Needed

Player Rules:

1. Do not Multikey. -ban-
2. Do not use excessive profanity. -mute-
3. Please don't abuse any bug found within the game. -ban, deletion of Pokemon-
4. Do not spam caps. -mute, boot-
5. Don't threaten anyone, it's just a game. -mute, ban-
6. No advertising. -boot, ban-
7. No spamming (excessive caps, etc). -mute, boot, ban-
8. If you have an issue, please report it to a GM, or use the forums. Please do not shout about it in game. -mute, jail, boot-
9. No AFK Training (training without being active on the game). -ban, deletion of Pokemon-
10. A Gymleader will battle you if he/she wants to, do not pester him/her. -mute, jail, boot-
11. Do not clone your Pokemon. -ban-
12. Do not pester GM's, it is very annoying. Use admin-help. They'll most likely notice it and help you. -mute, boot, jail, ban-
13. Do not attack another persons Pokemon without prior consent from both parties. -jail-

Admin Rules:

1. Please let the players find Pokemon on their own. Don't help them by summoning them. If they need help just lead the way. -demotion--
2. You must help a player if they need help. -demotion-
3. The players have the right to speak their mind. If they don't like you, that's too bad, you cannot punish them for speaking their mind. If they get disrespectful and begin to spam, caps, etc. you can punish them. -demotion-
4:No One Give A Player Advertise-ban-
5:Not giving any player extra benefits-boot-
6:Do NOT use your powers for fun.
7:Do not boot/mute/ban people just because you dont like them.-boot-

****Any violation of the rules will result in punishment.****

~~Gym Leaders~~

Steel Gym:

Ice Gym:

Rock Gym:

Water Gym:

Thunder Gym:

Ghost Gym:

Fighting Gym:

Rainbow Gym:


Team Rocket:Co-Owner

Team Galatic:Owner


Credit For The Prat Src
And Who Is Gonna Help Me Remake The Game

Zewo123 And Skymerion have same rank
and Skymerion And Zewo123 is Main Owners
and we dont need co owners app for admins i making a new forum just wait
Forums R ready
sky if u seing this command so pls code me as owner in this game i got ban on byond now pls chang Zewo123 to owner and make me as owner Teka Fan Zewo123 and im Zewo
Ok I Heard It From Your Bro
If u need any help with coding I'd be happy to do so.
i need codes for auto gl
this game is gone dont play it new version pokemon battle revolution2 by skymerion