Keywords: game, introduction
Let's see if this catches on. The game goes as follows.

In the town of Hupna there lives a Boy, his name is Richard. Richard has a lot of friends, some of them boys, some of them girls; some of them are animals and someare even not of this world. In other words; he has a lot of friends; that also have friends.

Richard has introduced himself and asks you proceeded to introduce his best of friends, now it is your turn to draw that best friend and introduce the next.

The only rule is that you draw a character with the name previously introduced and introduce a new name in the same picture.
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I would show you my friend, but to gaze upon its otherworldly visage for only a moment would drive you to insanity.
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First thing that popped into my head was "I'm Batman. Seen my parents?"
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I'm not putting "him i'm ---" cuz if i post it and someone posted the same thing while i was uploading it's an epic failure.
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I just had to.

Edit: Oops was supposed to draw him.
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