![]() Apr 8 2011, 7:24 pm
Some might call it "trickle down economics". It has been tried in the past. Unsuccessful of course, because it involves in trusting the rich/corporations to actually care about the middle class and poor to work.
The peoples republic of china wrote:
I don't understand how anyone with common sense could possibly think that taxing the middle class, giving tax breaks to the rich, and funding all taxes towards supporting a war is a good idea. That's because the white man is so afraid of losing his country. That's why racists like Hannity and Beck fight so hard against Obama - they believe that only a white man should be running this country and they feel if something other than a white man is in office, they could lose control. But, they will. If you take a look at history, no one nation or kingdom remained supreme forever - eventually, something brought about their demise. Look how great Rome was, or how great Egypt was. Are they still that powerful? America is on top now, but one day this nation too, just like every other nation in history, will be brought to it's knees. It's inevitable. |