
by Spunky_Girl
Need a baseline source to build off of to create your own game? Try this one!
I never expected Foundation to be put on BYOND and Within #10. They're either out of ideas for things to talk about or Foundation really is something to talk about (I'm more inclined towards to former x.x).

Regardless, I am in fact working on the internal documentation for each system in Foundation before I put in any new content. This does NOT mean I am not still taking requests though. Please submit any requests for things you would like to see in Foundation on here, my email ([email protected]) or my AIM (MeluvdaKitteh).

Right now I just finished working on the documentation for the Friend/Ignore list system (and I've been working my way down the list in Dream Maker, which means I haven't gotten very far at all haha). Don't fret, people! One thing I've learned at my college so far is the importance of internal documentation and how to do it! :D
Normally I'd ask who you mean by "they", but this time I required help battling the server. ;)
"They" as in whoever does the "BYOND and Within" stuff I guess haha
;) ACWraith does.
I'm interested in how your going to link the party system with your combat system.

Keep up the good work!
A simple check of their myParty variable and then looping through myParty.members would work fine for experience share and such.