...and the only Byond game that gets any play is NEStalgia.
Space Station 13 has more potential, NEStalgia will most likely be empty by the end of the year, if not much much sooner.
Arimil75 wrote:
...and the only Byond game that gets any play is NEStalgia. Space Station 13 has more potential, NEStalgia will most likely be empty by the end of the year, if not much much sooner. |
Falacy i am an anime supporter as well or whatnot.
I know your a good programmer and you do work hard and contribute a lot of time and effort to your game, but why does their have to be so much rivalry. Your game may be popular and well deserved and i guess you should be able to get all big headed and egotistical about how well you have done compared to everyone else, but can't you be a bit more humble and at least appreciate other people are trying, and that Even though you might be the best thing since sliced bread you shouldn't feel the need to keep telling everyone. I'm not one for sticking my oar in to these situations but i feel Silk, Falacy and Ant are all Good programmers who should be competing with each other in terms of skills rather than words. Though having made a lot of great games between you all, they are very different from each other, all very well made and popular, You should stop squabbling amongst each other and just get on and accept you each deliver to a different sort of audience, and not think your better than the other one. |
I don't have too much of a problem with Antx, though he has personally trolled me on several occasions. He does at least own a good game, the problem is that he seems to be unwilling to implement the few systems necessary for it to become popular (bots plz!).
Silk, on the other hand, has a bigger ego than every other idiot on BYOND combined (myself included), and it is completely undeserved. He made a sub-par NES-wannabe game, woopty freaking do. Just like Antx, even though Silk seems to be completely aware of the problems plaguing his game, he isn't willing to properly address any of them. If NEStalgia is truly the best game on BYOND, then I think that speaks volumes for how completely worthless BYOND itself is, and probably always will be. On top of that, Silk does nothing but troll, not just me, but the community in general. And yet, somehow, Tom seems to have latched on to him, and has given him more support in the last month or so than I have ever received in my entire time here, even though I've been producing the best quality games and setting the bar for practically everything else, including the BYOND software itself. Tom has always been out to get me, even though he claims otherwise, and tries to act like he's my best friend in private. I've always been swept under the rug, while crap like NEStalgia gets pushed to the forefront? And even with all the suppression that's constantly being forced on me, my games have always been the most popular/most played games on BYOND. |
Whoops, thats a boob by me, Scenarios was about Wargames2 not 1.
That'll teach me to leave blog posts till the very last minute before I goto bed. |
Before you all start arguing about whose game is better (as is the way on BYOND), I'd like to point out to you all that claiming a game is good because it is popular is a logical fallacy.
http://betterexplained.com/articles/ logical-fallacy-popularity-is-not-quality/ Link explains it all better than I can. Some of the best games on BYOND are also some of the least played, and some of the most played games on BYOND are some of the worst. |
The Magic Man wrote:
I'd like to point out to you all that claiming a game is good because it is popular is a logical fallacy.Who claimed that? I would hardly make that relation about any of the games on BYOND, even amongst my own. HU1 is inferior to HU2 in practically every way, but gets double the players. Bleach Eternity, which is better than both of them, gets almost no players. http://betterexplained.com/articles/ logical-fallacy-popularity-is-not-quality/That article is idiotic, they should have just stopped with the title, because practically none of the actual content is logical enough to back it up. Some of the best games on BYOND are also some of the least played, and some of the most played games on BYOND are some of the worst.That's the case everywhere, not just on BYOND, and its probably the reason that game developers don't even try anymore. Why devote years to a complex, in depth, high quality game full of content, when you can throw a pile of crap like Minecraft or Angry Birds together in a weekend to become a millionaire? Or better yet, just re-skin an existing popular game, and re-release it as a "sequel"... |
Falacy wrote:
Who claimed that? I would hardly make that relation about any of the games on BYOND, even amongst my own. HU1 is inferior to HU2 in practically every way, but gets double the players. Bleach Eternity, which is better than both of them, gets almost no players. There has been a penis measuring contest going on all over BYOND for a long time now. It wont be long before people start saying "my game is better because more players". It's been done before, it'll be done again. That article is idiotic, they should have just stopped with the title, because practically none of the actual content is logical enough to back it up. If you ask me, it makes perfect sense. It is a fact that McDonalds is the most popular restaurant on the planet. It has the most customers, and makes the most money. You cannot even argue with this. What is not a fact however is that McDonalds is the best restaurant on the planet, because they're almost definitely not (and if you think they are, you're crazy, or have never eaten real food before). If you ask me, that is pretty logical. Maybe you never bothered to read the article? |
The Magic Man wrote:
It is a fact that McDonalds is the most popular restaurant on the planet. What is not a fact however is that McDonalds is the best restaurant on the planet First off, that's entirely opinion based, as were most of the other points made in that article. McDonald's food is OK, it may not be the best burgers in existence, but its edible, and not all that far below any of the competition's. The reason they are the most popular, however, is because they offer cheap prices and fast service. I can go to a McDonalds drive through, get back home, and eat the food in probably 20 minutes. It would take me longer than that just to get a table in most real restaurants, then another 20 for the food to actually make it to the table, then probably another 20 to pay and get back home, plus, it would probably cost me twice as much. How does wasting my time and overcharging me for the same product make them a better restaurant? |
In regards to the popularity contest stuff:
I believe that A Miner Adventure is the best game on BYOND (though RPG Sweeper is up there too). I don't have this belief because I'm arrogant (I'm not) or because the game is popular (it's not), I believe this because I make games that I'd like to play. I'm bound to like my games best because only I could have made exactly the kind of game I wanted to play. I suspect this is the underlying reason why a developer can think they're awesome and are making the best BYOND games, but other people think that developer is delusional and their games are garbage. When you create a game, you're inclined to like it - if you didn't like it you'd either change it or get bored of the idea and not finish it. You don't have to justify liking a game, especially when it's your own creation. Your game should be proof of its own quality. BYOND gaming is not some obscure activity (like wine tasting, or appreciation of an obscure art form) that the average person cannot understand or appreciate - you don't have to explain to people why your game is good, they'll be able to tell on their own. If you have to use popularity (fan counts, player counts, etc.) to try to convince people that your game is good, ask yourself why you think that's necessary. |
Sorry guys, but Castle by Abra still takes the cake.
Also, Falacy should totally do a podcast (lol). |
Falacy wrote:
The reason they are the most popular, however, is because they offer cheap prices and fast service. I can go to a McDonalds drive through, get back home, and eat the food in probably 20 minutes. I envy you. Australia is going through it's health food stage (and has been for many, many years now). As a result, McDonalds offers healthy salad alternatives, and all food (chips, burgers et-al) must be made infront of you. The entire process can take upwards of an hour if the restraunt is busy. There is actually nothing fast about it. The particular restraunt in my town is new, so they haven't quite figured out that during peek hours, having only one register open and taking everyone's orders separately (before finishing the first one) is in fact, a terrible idea, and leads to mixed up orders, forgotten items and general hell. The only good thing about that McDonald's at the moment, is the fact it makes the lines at KFC much, much shorter. Though, in their first week, they set a record with the profit they turned, out doing any other McDonald's opening in Australia (IIRC). -- On Topic: Good work as always AC. Lookin' forward to reading the next one. Who knows, maybe I'll be lucky enough to find some time and get myself a mention. ;) |
Tiberath wrote:
all food (chips, burgers et-al) must be made infront of you. The entire process can take upwards of an hour if the restraunt is busy. There is actually nothing fast about it. The grass is always greener... Seriously, after watching the last episode of the Human Planet series that sounds like a fair rule. |
SuperAntx wrote:
The grass is always greener... It might sound delicious, but fresh burgers taste nothing like they used to when they'd been sitting in that oven-type-thing for an hour. KFC and McDonald's work opposite. KFC is delicious when it's fresh, McDonald's is delicious when it's aged for a couple of hours ('cept the chips, of course). I guess I just miss the old taste. There are also rumours going on that in the US, your meal sizes are larger than ours. It's not that farfetched all things considered. I just miss old McDonalds food. =( |
Must avoid temptation to make an off topic post... failed.
Tiberath wrote: There are also rumours going on that in the US, your meal sizes are larger than ours. To give McDonalds some credit, they haven't followed the trend of changing their sizes so that mediums are now small, large is now medium and extra large is now large like some of our other fast food chains in the u.s. |
Higoten wrote:
To give McDonalds some credit, they haven't followed the trend of changing their sizes so that mediums are now small, large is now medium and extra large is now large like some of our other fast food chains in the u.s. It's their fault the serving sizes are so messed up in the first place. The current small used to be the only size available. All they've been doing is adding larger sizes on top of it. For a while they had "Supersized" meals but they had to stop because too many people were having heart attacks. |
Forum_account wrote:
you don't have to explain to people why your game is good, they'll be able to tell on their own. Then why is it justifiable for someone to claim that an alternative game is bad, in the attempt to stop support for that game? Or is it justifiable at all? In addition, I think it's totally reasonable to explain why you're game is good. If you don't have any reason to explain at all, then how would you market it? You can't say "You should play my game because I like it," and expect people to actually play it consistently. However, if you say "You should play my game because it has [x] innovative features that slaughters the former playing style provided by leading games such as [y & z], giving you a dynamically more fascinating, fun, and exhilarating experience." It could be utter garbage still and a blatant lie, but that latter argument would get me to go to a game much more than the first. Thus, I'd recognize these qualities (if it is well-made), and be more inclined to enjoy this experience. |
CauTi0N wrote:
In addition, I think it's totally reasonable to explain why you're game is good. I was talking specifically about the popularity contest type of discussion that was going on. You shouldn't say things like "my game is good because it has 100 players". If that's how you have to justify the game's quality, there's a problem. |