Another development update on BYOND: Martial Arts.
Was is in:
-7 Attributes
--Defensive: Health, Head Defense, Body Defense, Leg Defense
--Offensive: Speed, Arm Strength, Leg Strength
--The game is obviously going to be training oriented. The reason for why you train? To win the weekly/biweekly/monthly (Whichever I end up choosing) tournament, and to just be able to advance to being a black belt and unlocking more moves. Training is basically similar to afk training. You can either macro train on a specific attribute or move, or you can do something similar to the self-train on the DBZ game rips. Where it will randomly train random attributes or random moves, whichever you choose. While this may seem silly, you have to use strategy and maintain every attribute that you can to the highest while making sure your moves are good as well.
-Fighting! Combat!
--It's in! You can challenge other players to a sparring match and it is computer controlled. Basically the computer takes your variables and goes through the battle. It's sort of turn based but combos can be thrown in the middle if your speed is a lot higher than theirs. Each of your attributes can affect the fight in many ways! Certain moves strike certain areas. Like you have great head and body defense but low leg defense. If the opponent just so happens to be of the Capoeira style and has a sweep in their fight moves, you're going to be taking some damage. But if you have really, really good body defense, side kicks and roundhouse kicks to the body will not be very affective or easily dodged.
-Rank Testing!
--Every 30 minutes their is a rank testing where you can try out to see if you're ready for the next belt. Basically you have to meet the requirements. If you pass, you get a new belt and a new move. Right now as of this moment, you can become a black belt in Taekwondo and learn 12 TKD moves.
-Leveling System!
--There is no real level system but rather each attribute and each move has a level. There is no level cap. But, most moves and most attributes get harder to level as they reach higher numbers.
--I've added simple chat. (Just world chat right now) Has a spamfilter and a mute system with it as well just to keep servers safe and sound. :D
-Fight Moves!
--Before you go into a fight you choose 3(or 4) moves to use in the fight. So you can choose the front kick, the spinning heel kick, and the backfist. This allows you to strategize. Say you want to be a head hunter, choose all kicks that hit the head!
-Client Side Saving!
--This game has client side saving. So you can log in and never lose your fighter! (Unless you delete him yourself of course) This way you can train offline and be ready for a tournament without having to wait for me to host a server randomly throughout the day.
-Taekwondo Style is 100% Done
--The Taekwondo style is 100% done and 100% coded in. (Until I start adding degrees... lol) next up is Capoeira and Shaolin Kung Fu. After these have been added in and the game has been properly tested (With the tournament side programmed) there will be a release!
So this is all that's really been going on! I've been working on it a lot these past few days because of it being Spring Break. It'll be a fun project to play around with. :D
Apr 8 2011, 11:15 am
Do some real martial arts ;]
I am! Haha. I've been doing Taekwondo for over a year now and I've just been researching so many other styles that I want to bring them all under one roof.... errr game...
Why don't you put the Taekwondo kicks names in Korean? Like in
real life? Because i practice TKD IRL and where i train the sensei says the kicks name in Korean, it would be cool to see it in game or something like "Toggle Korean/English Name" or something like that xD |