Ok, well, this is addressed to those that play Icon Ultima.

Some of you may or may not think I hate you, dislike you, or even despise you. not true. You may think that because of how I act on the Internet. I really don't hate or dislike or despise you. Maybe the dislike, but I don't hate.

Some of you think I act 'hard' over the Internet because of how I behave around people over the Internet. But, isn't that understandable? People over the Internet don't care if they hurt someone, that is the power of anonymity. They don't know who you are, they can't see you, and they have no feelings towards you, so they obviously don't care. If you act more assertive, the less likely they are going to walk all over you or even to bully (troll) you or any other thing they can do to you.

By acting 'hard', it is to protect myself from others. Well, that is one reason. Other reason, I am just goofing around, and by actually telling me that I am acting 'hard', you are taking me seriously, which will make me laugh, by the way. You guys that take me seriously like that, really need to lighten up and goof around with me.

And to get rid of another thing you may or may not think of me. Some of you think I believe to be higher than you, which on one scale, I am (authority-wise). But off of that scale, I don't really. If I say I am better than you and whatnot, I'm joking around and by arguing and getting mad at me for doing so, is just plain hilarious. And to tell you the truth, when I am not joking around, I either see you as an equal or I am indifferent towards you.

Also, for those that say to me "be nicer to others, you won't get any friends for being mean." Let me clarify something to you, I do not come online to become friends with everyone. If I do, cool, if not, oh well. I could care less if I make friends. I don't care if I make enemies. I come online, I have some friends I hang out online, I don't care about the rest of you, sorry, but that is the plain, cold-hard truth.

And to those that think I have no life, I do. If I didn't, I couldn't sit here, and moderate a game you play. And those that don't play that game, well, you couldn't be reading this if I didn't have one. And if you are one of those that will say "something other than being on the computer." I have a job, ok? I help my Mom with the bills and food, and I watch my little sister. I also have a dog.

Which is more than what I can say for some of you, most of you are too young. And some of you have jobs too. But to those that are the right age and don't have jobs, you really have no right to say I have no life.
Hello there, nice to meet you. I assume you moderate Icon Ultima, given it's your favourite game?

Just helps for the 99% of us who don't know you, to add a little context to your post.
LycanGoddess wrote:
I have a job, ok? I help my Mom with the bills and food, and I watch my little sister. I also have a dog.

Wow. Shes got a good job, pays bills, and watches the sister.

Could I take you out for a cup of coffee this evening?
Stephen001 wrote:
Hello there, nice to meet you. I assume you moderate Icon Ultima, given it's your favourite game?

Just helps for the 99% of us who don't know you, to add a little context to your post.

Adding context, when I was referring to the people that play Icon Ultima.

"Ok, well, this is addressed to those that play Icon Ultima."

Should have been obvious.

But yes, Icon Ultima. And any other game I go to that may give me moderator status, and there are a few that would. Not being arrogant or anything, just that people who are owners and whatnot that like me, will.
I think I'm finally in love.
I'll give you administration in my game baby. ;)


EmpirezTeam wrote:
I think I'm finally in love.

i think we have to fight to the death now.
I can sympathise with the "turn up somewhere, people throw moderator status at you" thing. It's essentially how I became a BYOND moderator, and later a BYOND site admin. I'll often avoid hanging out too much in chatroom "games" for that reason, as well.

Swings in roundabouts, depending on whether you enjoy that kind of role.
Stephen001 wrote:
I can sympathise with the "turn up somewhere, people throw moderator status at you" thing. It's essentially how I became a BYOND moderator, and later a BYOND site admin.

Swings in roundabouts, depending on whether you enjoy that kind of role.

Oh nice.

Well, usually I don't care to be one.

Though, I'll usually just sit there and watch others, and make sure they behave but it can be a burden sometimes, with those disobedient players that will rage at you for reprimanding them.

But, you'll get that anywhere, I guess.

I guess it depends how the game in question lets you run your ship, so to speak.

As a for-instance on Chatters, my moderative position largely worked with no second checking, and a good deal of trust from regular chatters. So it was quite common to deal out convincing permanent bans on first offense and be done with it. All the regulars knew exactly what the deal was at that point, and a gentle comment would be all I needed to make them realise they weren't really behaving acceptably.

For BYOND however, it tends to be a far more complex affair, because of the size of the thing. For instance I can take a number of actions against a person, but none of them really allow me to out and out exclude people from the website or joining BYOND games in general, as few people hold that capability.

I can however clean up most messes on the website and can trust that people give their backing to my action, which is always a positive.
I felt compelled to read it all, though I have never played that game. It was well written.
We have to remember that people on the internet are real people, too. I believe whoever invented this internet, did not intend for it to be used to bully others. We must respect others, though we do not know them.
I had a chat with Sir Tim a few years back, and he didn't really invent it for much beyond sharing information. That's the nice thing about the web, it's grown into something he could never have claim upon, built and dictated by all of us, collectively. If you will, we all invented it, and keep reinventing it.
That's a good point. I think that in some sense, you're right. It was stupid of me to write that.
Not stupid, no. I wouldn't be so hard on yourself. Just a difference of viewpoint.