What if GUILD returned 0 if they were not in the guild, but if they were, it returned their rank?

Also, Guild names will be like keys right? No duplicates? So then there wouldn't be the need for a password.
I'm hoping we will have some kind of API support...
Dark, what I'm saying is, for there to be TOTAL guild support, like adding people to a guild, modifying their ranks, etc.
Can only "premium" Byond accounts register into someone's guild?
premium BYOND accounts? You mean, members?
Er, yeah. "Members" has always seemed a little ambiguous to me so I think of "premium". Sorry.
It's simple, Sarm. There's members, and non-members. =p
Pfft. I'm used to member as something like "forum member", which usually doesn't have a cash requirement and all that. x_x

Anyway, will non-MEMBERS be recruitable in guilds?
'Members' does get to be a quickly overloaded term...but yes, the plan is to require you to be a Member to join a guild.
It'd be great to have full hub-game integration with guilds.

Can't you like, program it in DM to send pages from a particular person (with their like, permission) or something? If it's not true, then I'd still like a similar concept.

You should be able to get guild information to and from games. What would be REALLY great would be a text box on the guild screen that controllers could edit- you could assign your own guild a variable.
Like, for example, if I made a chess game that involved Guild rankings, special guild setups and such.
I could write a help file in the game- "How to integrate your guild- add the variable Chess = 1" to your guild".

So on the guild settings you'd put in "Chess = 1" or something, then when you play the Chess game it can check your guild and if the guild has the variable chess = 1, then it would know that you have guild ranking and such specifically for that game (like "Master player", or the lowest rank, "Pawn" as ranks in your guild, and that they'd relate to the game itself, maybe).

Plus, the game could be able to send reports to the guild. For example, if you got 20 wins in the chess game it'd allow you to press a button that would formulate a report for a promotion/invitation to a guild- you could review and approve it, and it'd send off to your guild superiors.
Like, "[src.key] has got [src.wins] and is requesting a promotion to Bishop", or whatever.

Still, being able to assign special values to a guild so it can be recognised as being special by a certain game would be good.

Full guild-game integration would be great- as long as someone could supply a password or some kind of authorisation for sending the data that could possibly edit parts of a guild from a game.
Is there a limit to the number of ranks a guild can have? if so, what is the limit?
There probably wouldn't be a limit, unless it would become actually destructive to the BYOND servers or cost too much- and we're talking text data and stuff here, so...
Have an Infinite amount of Ranks in a guild would be annoying. Because a guild could potentially make a seperate rank for each member.
And if a guild wants to do that, I don't see why they shouldn't be allowed to have that ability.
Cryzlme, if a guild made an infinite amount of ranks then the BYOND servers would cause the universe to collapse in on itself. It wouldn't be annoying, it'd be the end of space-time.
If we have a limit on the number of ranks, it will be because we find the UI to be problematic above a certain number, or for performance to suffer above a certain number. Right now I don't plan to limit the number of ranks.

Thanks for the suggestions on how to do game API related to guilds. I don't know exactly what we'll do, but personally I think it's important to have as much connection as we can, so all ideas are helpful.
An example of code for the following:
if(src.client.GUILD("The knights of dawn","23ase0832sdes23")
src<<"Welcome member!"

GUILD(Guild Name, Guild Password)

I don't see the purpose of a guild password.

I don't see the purpose of having two procedures either.

var/position = client.Guild("Teh L33T")
» client << "Welcome, [position]!"

Just give the procedure the guild name (or passport ID), and it would return the title of the position the client is in. null if they're not a member.

At first, I thought that it would be more useful if it returned a numeric rank, but that's not possible with this style of ranks.

Perhapse there could be a new hub service to query for details on a guild. (Ranks, abilities each rank, members, rank of members, etc.)
Wouldn't the easy was of doing it be:

<< << src.guild = src.client.guild
<< << src.rank = src.client.guild_rank
src.IP = src.client.address

and so on.

Also, inside the subscribers feature in our hub entries. Could there be an option added, so instead of "Add Subscriber" and adding the keys one at a time, we could add the guild so the entire guild gets subscribed features. Including those who are added over time. So things are easier to keep track of.
They should be client variables.
No, I'm crazy and I tend to do that to make it easier for me to deal with that kinda stuff in code. It also makes it easier to distort information like that to the game players by use of an Edit verb. The initional example is, that the src.client.guild and src.client.guild_rank could work along the same lines as src.client.address.

if(src.client.guild == "The 1337 n00bs")
<< << src.Logout()


if(src.client.guild == "The awesome dudes" && src.client.guild_rank == "Masters") src << "Welcome master!"

And so on and so fourth.
My exmaple used player variables so I could shorten it to:
if(src.guild == "blah") src << "deh"
and so on.


You could even go further as to say the rank of the guild is represented by the number is has.
So, in an example. If:
Masters is 1
Commadners is 2
Dudes is 3 and
Shadows is 4.

You could even go so far as to add a full guild repremand system in your game via:
if(src.client.guild_position > target.client.guild_position) world << "[target.name] has been guild repremanded by [src.name]."

So Shadows can't touch their rank or anything higher. Dudes could repremand shadows. Commanders could repremand dudes and shadows, and commanders can repremand everyone but their own rank.
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