Jan 6 2013, 9:29 am
i'm looking for something set in medieval times, either text based or a rogue like. its got to be downloadable to the desktop and preferably single player, with save files. and if possible, a good story. i'm not limiting this search to byond, because im hoping to find an older game like the ones i used to play on my win 95 laptop when i was younger. if you've got a suggestion that doesn't follow the description above but you think it still matches what i'm looking for then please give me it. i'm desperate for something here
Jan 6 2013, 10:23 am
Well, my favorite roguelike is Zangband. It doesn't really have a story of course, but it does have a more comprehensive world than the original rogue. There's a large "overworld" map with multiple towns, enemy camps, and dungeons. One thing it does share with rogue is the long list of keys to press, but if you are used to that or are willing to learn it I think its worth a shot.
I really like Mangband which is mutliplayer Angband basically. Perm death, can buy houses, get loot etc. Good times.
In response to FIREking
In response to A.T.H.K
A.T.H.K wrote:
I assume you mean - ? Yes, and in particular: |
thanks for all the replies, i found quite a few good ones myself, rogue survivor is an fantastic addictive roguelike where you have to survive against the undead!
In response to digitalmouse
digitalmouse wrote:
looking for a nerdy old school game to play! draughts |