Well, according to this juicy article right here, FUNimation has things bigger than BYOND to worry about. You know, like going broke.
At first impulse, I actually hope the lawsuit works, and they get sued hard. If FUNimation closes down, who is going to stop people from making games based off of series they currently own?
Now I know that I am not the most informed person and am probably not thinking ahead far enough to what the actual results would be if they were to be shot down, but that is a good fantasy.
Anybody else have any opinions on this article?
EDIT: My bad guys, refer to comment #2 as a correction and explanation for my massive mistake here.
Mar 31 2011, 2:40 pm (Edited on Mar 31 2011, 2:51 pm)
Oh, wow...my bad. I am on some pain killing drugs right now, and I guess they are making me loopy, even when I don't realize it. I read that article twice, and still interpreted it wrong. Reading it again, I see what you mean...it says FUNimation is not listed as a defendant. Damn.
I get what you mean. All of the YGO Community is shocked Funi was untouched too. But then again, with the stigma of them even agreeing to an underhanded deal like that, their image is as good as swiss. Most YGO fans vote them, Navarro (guys who do Bakugan & Beyblade Metal Fusion/Fight), and Viz for the new dubbers of ZeXaL. So we mostly all know Funi's out of the running... |
I have officially nayed my own post. I admit I failed, even if it wasn't directly my fault. XD
Also, you are probably right TH. |
If FUNimation closes down, who is going to stop people from making games based off of series they currently own?
Someone else might pick up the rights to things like Dragonball and Yu Yu Hakusho, and then the people trying to duck and dodge them will just have to deal with a different company. Here's a 'fantasy', albeit an uncomfortable one: FUNimation goes under, and the rights are picked up by another company. DB games pop back up on BYOND, and someone contacts the new owners about them. The new owners aren't so lenient, and proceed to sue BYOND for damages. BYOND has now gone under because people continued to violate copyrights. Oh no. Of course, in the event something like that happened, I'm sure we would still be able to use the software, but (gasp!) we'd have to do our own advertising! |
You know, there is always Devil's Advocate. FUNimation goes down, rights get picked up by another company...company ends up being more lenient than GameFreak. Woohoo! |
I'm fairly sure Toei Animation or Akira Toriyama would be the ones then pulling DB games off BYOND... So no, no I don't want Funimation to go under. I quite like them.
I highly doubt Akira would go through the trouble of stopping some fan games being made from a series that he completed long ago. Also, do you really expect Japanese companies to care about BYOND very much? I don't know about you, but I haven't met anyone here from Japan yet(Strangely. I expected to.).
Toriyama barley uses the internet (Hell, he doesn't even have email), it'd be Toei to do anything.
Being part of the YGO community, I would like to say:
Only 4kid$ entertainment is getting sued since they initiated said underhanded deal.
Funi's not getting touched at all.
Instead, Funimation's image is now SHOT like Swiss cheese in the japanese animation industry, few companies probably will trust them with their media now seeing as they were agreeing to an underhanded deal.