Phoenix: Sundered Earth

by Archonex
A sandbox roleplaying game combining lovecraftian elements, with the fast paced action of anime. - Currently in Open Alpha -
Huntergamma wrote:
SilvaDreams wrote:
Gigantic Dyke muffin Bitching with stick stuck up ass size of east texas. Hue Hue Hue.

Yea except no.

Plus. If the person koing me didnt kill me, and he koed me 4 times, then wtf comes in, 12 words ya, and kills ya. You'd be pissed. But then again you yourself wouldnt know what the fuck rp was if it came up and cunt punted you in your unused fucking snatch box.

We already explained where you were in the wrong. Setting aside the fact that you were asked to move this to the forum where we can more easily look into complaints, your behavior really isn't acceptable.

Regardless of whether the item was bound or not, you still had it on you, which made you a target. If you didn't want that, you shouldn't have picked up the artifact of doom that half the server wanted.

Quit trolling/whining, you made a mistake and suffered for it. It happens, it isn't the end of the world.

As for your comments, we really don't want that sort of behavior here. If you haven't noticed, we ban people who go on curse filled rants in this section. Doubly so if they do it against players of the game. Take it up on the forums if you have further issues.

To enforce this, since you won't listen, we've had to slap you with a one month ban from this specific forum.

Just to try and hammer this home, everyone who fed the troll by cursing after him after he went a bit nuts got a short ban. Report people like that if they start posting here, and we'll handle it.
Dragon Universes wrote:
here is the latest and greatest version of this game: (edited out the link, no promoting for you)
leave this rip and join here it has both pvp and rp and anyone can host so if the servers arent what u like just host one urself the link to download the files is on the hub

You mean here is Ten's latest and worst reincarnation of Dragon Ball Finale yet, which Exgen and Tens lurk our forums for ideas to steal since they have none of their own?
whats with the random pics at the top they look like NOTHING in this game, more like bleach or somethin.
You ought to read the forums more often.

They're part of the new tilesets. I previewed them two months ago. And did an in-game preview two weeks ago.

Also, they look nothing like Bleach. Not even sure where the resemblance is supposed to be there?

The images up above are compressed size/quality wise because didn't we want certain individuals to try and steal the sets. So a lot of detail was lost in the process of making sure that wasn't going to happen in the hub previews.
ah right, had a feeling it was something to do with the new "theme" of the game, and they kinda looked like an urban setting i've seen on a bleach game, though I suppose an urban setting is rather generic and will have similarities to other urban byond settings.
Yeah, it's the new spawn for the humans (and possibly a small sub-section of mutants that will be assigned there on creation). Basically one giant dystopian city.

I wanted to show off the new turfs a long time ago. But the problem was, Byond has a little problem with people stealing them. So that left Kits and I with a conundrum. How do we do it without keeping the exposure extremely limited (IE: In person.), and without risking the hard work that went into the tilesets?

That was how we got around it. The images on the hub page are compressed a bit in terms of size. Which removed the detail in each individual tile. Which unfortunately makes them look a bit like other rough turfs on other games.

The actual turfs are much better looking. I did a preview awhile back on a mapping/testing server.

I got a lot of good comments about them (Someone else also said they looked like Bleach turfs before that, but then changed their opinion actually when they saw them in person.) prior to me show-casing a few new features, like the slot machines. At which point everyone became hooked on them for a few hours.
Look, I'm sorry for non rp killing. I'm new to MMO rping. I'm used to TEXT rping on fanfiction. I just wanna play, and have a fair chance to get LSSJ. PLEASE let me play again. :( :( :(
Why so butthurt? D:
let this guy play, he just wants a fair chance at LSSJ!
Since this game got taken off the hub list again, can this go back to the original Dragonball?
no ther was no funimation problem, was just a conspiracy to change the game.
So conspiracy theories aside, we're publishing the first part of the next big content update either today or tomorrow. Whenever our hosts decide to get around to uploading the new versions, really.

As a matter of reference, and to show how much one content update usually includes, here's how big the last content update was. The last content had a heavy focus on increasing quality of life in the game, tweaking balance, adding greater newbie accessibility (Including mid-wipe) to the game, adding new features on both the low and high tiers of gameplay, and removing any bugs we found over the course of a two month long census of the playerbase.

Note that we usually split the full update into parts, releasing them part by part. This lets us have more time to fine tune new features and ensure there's no bugs while giving the players a steady stream of content over time.

(Compiled together from the five parts from last update.)

  • If a player leaves another player's 'sense-range' then their 'click-sense' will also vanish.
  • Dead cannot regain energy in the living world, fixed for caves and ships as well.
  • Fly bug insta-regain conciousness fixed.
  • Beam delay cannot be below 1 to prevent server crashes.
  • A delay for 'redigging' has been added, to prevent dig gain from stacking.
  • Create-Object is now case-insensitive.
  • Altered the Beastman trans, cutting the power it grants by half. This was because the granted power was over-tuned without the AI functionality for it enabled.
  • Removed five points from Mutant stat allocation. This is to prevent them from being a "do anything" perfect jack of all trades race from character creation onwards.
  • Rebalanced several races to remove overpowering traits when compared against other races.
  • Rebalanced Demigod mods so that they are proportional to their sizes.
  • Rebalanced Beastmen mods to have proportional mods within their sizes.
  • Rebalanced each Beastman class to be more diverse and iconic.
  • Low class Beastmen should now get the "most", statistically, out of the moon trans. Elites should get the least, due to their defensive mods already naturally being lower than the other classes.
  • Rebalanced Kyonshi to have proportional mods within their sizes.
  • Rebalanced Androids to have proportional mods within their sizes
  • Slightly lowered the Beastman BPmod to account for increases in stat mods that were applied during their stat revamp.
  • Removed the caps filter. You may now talk in caps again on OOC.
  • Fixed Soul/Body Absorb for Mutants. It should now be a selectable skill again.
  • Renamed Soul Absorb to "Matter Absorption". Soul Absorb is more akin to what Demons/Infernals do, thematically. This is to account for an in universe difference in -how- they absorb matter or life between races.
  • Precognition now gives a user a 50% chance to dodge, as opposed to the 95% chance it had before.
  • Fixed several typos present in the Android race description placeholder.
  • Hosts can now set a server description on the hub. After creating a description for the server, the server will need to be rebooted for it to show up.
  • Scanners now show the channel you are speaking on when speaking through them.
  • Communicators now show the channel you are speaking on when speaking through them. Since they do not need to be equipped like Scanners do to talk in them, this should make them useful for the purpose of joining and creating multiple channels to talk in.
  • Overall Ki damage was reduced.
  • Charge's damage formula was altered to bring it in line with the rest of the skills.
  • Removed the map wrap-around in the current Hell map. It was causing some players to walk from one end to another, only to end up stuck in lava.
  • Fixed a bug that was keeping Elites from sometimes showing up in the race menu for Beastmen.
  • The admin verb Allow Rares should now only display keys instead of characternames.
  • Gravity machines fixed, they now work on every Z-plane and planet.
  • Non-player mobs now use the attack state as well when attacking.
  • If a player leaves another player's 'sense-range' then their 'click-sense' will also vanish.
  • Dead cannot regain energy in the living world, fixed for caves and ships as well.
  • Fly bug insta-regain conciousness fixed.
  • Beam delay cannot be below 1 to prevent server crashes.
  • A delay for 'redigging' has been added, to prevent dig gain from stacking.
  • Create-Object is now case-insensitive.
  • Altered the Beastman trans, cutting the power it grants by half. This was because the granted power was over-tuned without the AI functionality for it enabled.
  • Removed five points from Mutant stat allocation. This is to prevent them from being a "do anything" perfect jack of all trades race from character creation onwards.
  • Rebalanced several races to remove overpowering traits when compared against other races.
  • Rebalanced Demigod mods so that they are proportional to their sizes.
  • Rebalanced Beastmen mods to have proportional mods within their sizes.
  • Rebalanced each Beastman class to be more diverse and iconic.
  • Low class Beastmen should now get the "most", statistically, out of the moon trans. Elites should get the least, due to their defensive mods already naturally being lower then the other classes.
  • Rebalanced Kyonshi to have proportional mods within their sizes.
  • Rebalanced Androids to have proportional mods within their sizes
  • Slightly lowered the Beastman BPmod to account for increases in stat mods that were applied during their stat revamp.
  • Removed the caps filter. You may now talk in caps again on OOC.
  • Fixed Soul/Body Absorb for Mutants. It should now be a selectable skill again.
  • Renamed Soul Absorb to "Matter Absorption". Soul Absorb is more akin to what Demons/Infernals do, thematically. This is to account for an in universe difference in -how- they absorb matter or life between races.
  • Precognition now gives a user a 50% chance to dodge, as opposed to the 95% chance it had before.
  • Fixed several typos present in the Android race description placeholder.
  • Hosts can now set a server description on the hub. After creating a description for the server, the server will need to be rebooted for it to show up.
  • Scanners now show the channel you are speaking on when speaking through them.
  • Communicators now show the channel you are speaking on when speaking through them. Since they do not need to be equipped like Scanners do to talk in them, this should make them useful for the purpose of joining and creating multiple channels to talk in.
  • Overall Ki damage was reduced.
  • Charge's damage formula was altered to bring it in line with the rest of the skills.
  • Head admins now have two extra verbs "Current Staff" and "Strip Staff". Current staff allowing admins to view all assigned admins. And Strip Staff allowing these admins to be removed, whether they're online or not.
  • Some tweaks have been made to map saving.
  • The adminverbs 'set-observe' and 'set-play' have been removed.
  • The first 'part' of a beam now also does damage.
  • Build can now be toggled off by admins.
  • NPCs (should) no longer spawn inside buildings and/or walls.
  • Self-destruct is now 100% lethal for the user.
  • The beam code has been improved and now runs much smoother.
  • Admin heal now automagically UnKO's a player and heals them in one swift move. (instead of it requiring two uses)
  • Players can now set their screen-size to the default or 'stretch-to-fit' when changing screen size.
  • The backend combat system revolving around ranged attacks has been revamped partially in preperation of a bigger update.
  • Celestial Teleport to the Android ship is now fixed.
  • Drone fleets now have an upkeep in the form of maintenance costs to keep them comparative to players. This should keep them from being mass produced by all but the most organized factions or dedicated technicians and scientists.
  • Drones now need to be maintenanced by techs regularly. Failing to do so means that their systems will not be equivalent to players of an equivalent "rank" as time goes on.
  • Drone power is now determined by looking at the players online and placing them on a rank equivalent to where players of a certain power would be on the BP and Stat Ranks. Currently the scaling is set to around 50.
  • Coded in support for scaling power in mobs. This means that all mobs can now be defined in terms of comparative power to players, instead of hardcoded values. For example: A new character could always fight bandits for XP, money, and stats, equally, since bandits are equivalent to characters at rank ten or lower on the rankings. Likewise, boss tier mobs can always be a challenge by having them be equivalent to a rank ninety player, or even over the cap of one hundred through this method. Likewise, a bandit at year 1 would still be equivalent to brand new characters making at year 50 as its comparative power scales upwards over time.
  • Added NPC FoF (Friend or Foe) capabilities to drones. Equipping a keycard with the password of the drone will flag you as friendly to the drone if the command "Guard Area" is used.
  • NPC friend or foe identification has been added to the game. NPC's such as drones can now look at you and decide whether or not you should be attacked according to character allegiance, race, and other factors.
  • Renabled Drones. They will now take orders again.
  • Training Dummies now have a new and improved icon.
  • Fixed a bug that was giving players inherent BP bonuses for each gravity level mastered. Gravity now only gives a very small bonus to stat gains when training at very high levels in gravity (A possible maximum of roughly ten points.), and an increase to experience when training inside of gravity.
  • Communication devices had a bug disabling the use of communicators for some players, this bug has now been resolved.
  • Rewarding stats can now be done individually.
  • Rewarding energy will now display the current and max a player has.
  • You can no longer speak in OOC when you have OOC disabled.
  • Meditation during combat now gives an attacker 50% more chance to hit. (This used to give more defense, but that wasn't intended.)
  • Cloning Tanks are fixed, upon death the player is put directly into their cloning tank and forced to await the creation of a clone (If this does not happen, the tank has been destroyed). When a player is inside the tank and it is destroyed, they die.
  • Rebalanced Human stat mods to be proportional to their size.
  • Rebalanced Celestial stat mods to be proportional to their size.
  • Rebalanced the Celestial and Demon racial toggle learnables learn difficulty. The requirements to learn the Celestial racial toggle have been brought down to be equivalent to the difficulty of the Demon racial toggle.
  • Fixed a bug that was preventing Celestials from receiving their racial toggle.
  • Power control drain no longer stacks.
  • Countdown timer is now actually 30 seconds!
  • Fixed an exploit that let people illegally increase their attack speed.
  • Earthen race icons are now implemented.
  • A back-end related issue, causing newly created characters to have a higher health/energy regeneration then intended has been fixed. (thanks Latoma)
  • Damage the Death Ball does has been quadrupled.
  • Time Freeze has been adjusted and now works much like normal Ki attacks do. A much more powerful player can deflect the time freeze.
  • Probability for transformations of either of the available mutant transformations have been altered to give a bigger chance for Ki Burst.
  • Alien transformations no longer bug.
  • Aquatian transformations can be used properly now.
  • Dig 'stacking' has been fixed.
  • Give Power can no longer be used to stack the extra recovery it gives you. (Thanks Burgle)
  • Extra power is no longer retained when knocked out. (Thanks Burgle)
  • Subcategories should now always load properly.
  • The new build system has been adjusted to improve speed, will require feedback for possible further tweaking/adjusting.
  • The Build verb has been removed and replaced with a panel that's integrated into a skin. A new window will no longer pop up.
  • Admin help's spam filter has been adjusted.
  • The Androidship is automagically spawned if it doesn't exist.
  • Window focus defaults back to the map window when you select something in the build menu.
  • Fixed a long standing issue with the admin and who panel where admins sometimes couldn't properly access player menus.
  • The build menu was moved to a new window and sorted by category.
  • The admin editing system has been changed using GhostAnime's library.
  • Changed the way objects save, causing the map to load and save faster.
The servers are down for an hour or so for emergency maintenance. I'll have them back up shortly.
When's the wipe? =P
Hey Arch, why don't you put the "Lethal Toggle" verb back in the game? People can't even use ki when they spar with each other, for fear of accidentally killing each other; and what if I were to accidentally kill someone during a real fight? That would make it impossible for me to type a kill RP, and would burden the admins with having to revive the person. I can't think of any good reason for it to have been removed.
Can someone help me at all, I was banned this morning for "ez"ing but I have no idea what that actually is, it's my first wipe playing and i'm not sure what I've done wrong!

Any help is much appreciated thanks.
May I be unbanned from the second server if not already? A long ass time ago I got banned for non-roleplay.
This is great.
The hell happened to the game?
More people on one server equals a /lot/ more RP on that one server, Arch. That means the game would grow in popularity too since it's more likable for one and plus everyone in the freaking game knows that more people always make it more Kind of ridiculous to have two servers when the game's only so popular. Not to mention it lags both servers so much that they crash all of the damned time, since they share the same host....
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