![]() Jun 26 2013, 5:15 pm
Yeah, let's free up some resources to focus on one server, since the second server tops a maximum of 5? more often 2 or 3, or I could just be stupid and missing something here DERPDERPDERPDERPPPUUUPPUHERRRPAHDUUUURP
None of what Lickin said is true.
At the current rate of CPU and resource optimization the hosting client uses about 10 to 50 percent of one CPU core when it is working at its hardest to process all actions in the game. I'm not entirely up to date on Byond's back end runtime architecture, but Byond can from what I can tell handle only one core's worth of resources at once with our current hardware loadout. This is with about eight of them present to work with. So we have a lot of wiggle room to work with. Especially since I can segment activity off to one core or another to ensure no lag occurs between hosted servers. So they can't be crashing because of that. In fact going off of our stress tests we can have up to 3000 PC's and NPC's active and in combat/searching for combat or other actions at the current rate of performance. This number ought to about quadruple when I get around to adding in area segmentation to support extremely large scale combat and events that take place over multiple zones at once. Likewise, the current bug I am fixing (And in fact, according to the error logs, is the last show stopping bug in the current build.) is a good demonstration on why one server for a game in alpha that has public testing is a bad idea. If that server goes down, no one can play and the overall health of the game may suffer due to people quitting. However, since the second server is not afflicted with this (player generated) bug, it remains up and stable and open for testing and play. |
Key: Snackz, Mylo Xyloto or Blade56776(It's one of these keys. I was host banned if that helps.)
Character Name: (I don't remember the name. It was a year ago.) Date you were Banned: Don't remember the exact date but I do remember that I was banned 12 to 18 months ago. Reason: Banned for spam. Wasn't anything major if I remember correctly but it was still spam. Not going to try to make it look like I did nothing wrong. (I am pretty much forgotten by now.) Who banned you?: Archonex Here's the link to the same ban appeal I made on the forums: http://w11.zetaboards.com/sunderedearth/topic/8963705/1/ I just wanted to post this somewhere else just in case my appeal on the forum was overlooked. |
Huh, the hub finally has something and i cant connect, and then it doasnt even have anything, how annoying.
Not even sure i want a unhost ban in order to not troll anymore, who knows how far that wipe is, it should just be trolled probally.
Key: SnuggleMuffins
Character Name: Kalos Date you were Banned: A week ago Reason: I was banned for apparently meta gaming after a small joke. I was muted for 5 minutes for saying something inappropriate on OOC by Salmarino and then in game I went up to his character and role played a whole paragraph (Yes, it was about 5 sentences) about grabbing him and tossing him into the water, I even give him a countdown timer. After the countdown, I go up to him and grab him and THAT IS IT. I even stated it was a joke. Then he banned me for who knows how long, more then a week it seems. This just seems ridiculous I would be banned for this something that I even said omit to and even after all of that RP no harm came from it, it's not like I hit him or shot energy blasts non RP at him. Who banned you?: Salmarino |
The crashes are due to a player exploiting an issue with Byond that we just found. If the prior comments are any indication, we've had a few idiots that think it's funny to ruin other folks entertainment as of late. I know of one of them actually ended up permabanned for past actions.
Either way, I just dealt with the issue. |
Hello, could I please be unbanned. I've been perma-banned for so long now, over a month it seems. All I ask is just a second chance. I really did nothing that bad. There is no reason Salmarino should have the right to perma-ban me just for a little bit of metagaming. It was all just a harmless joke anyways.
I did not ban avoid either, I am honestly not here to troll. For the few days I had been on the server I had committed myself to heavy roleplaying and enjoying the server with other people. I just wish to RP and join the community, I have been itching to play this lately. Please just give me another chance admins, I am begging you. Sincerely, Kalos |
Can someone help me? I've been banned permanently for bug abuse. I wasn't told what bug I was supposed to be abusing, or anything.
Admin PM from-Ginseng: You there? Reply PM to-Ginseng: I'm here. Admin PM from-Ginseng: I'm curious, how exactly did you get that kind of str, considering your mod? Admin PM from-Ginseng: Your exp is alot higher than anyone else, too. Reply PM to-Ginseng: Really? I don't know that sort of thing. I spent a lot of time punching a p-bag, and sparring people when I have to go AFK for long periods of time. Reply PM to-Ginseng: I made a high energy mod, and from the beginning of the wipe, I've been trying to str-focus train over night. Admin PM from-Ginseng: Wait, you spar people while afk? Reply PM to-Ginseng: No, no. When I have to go afk, then come back, I spar with people to regain lost exp. Admin PM from-Ginseng: It would be best if you came clean, if you've been up to anything against the rules, tbh, since the consequences will be alot harsher if you don't. Kammi says in telepathy, "We will leave soon if you're ready. Zane seems to of zoned out on me... He will have to wait till I visit this realm again in a few years." Gurogin Haajad says, "(Back)(" Kammi says in telepathy, "...and then he wakes up." Reply PM to-Ginseng: I swear I'm not. This is my first wipe. Started on Namek. Reply PM to-Ginseng: If that helps? Syn Hellbound oocly says, "(Welcome back.)" You say in telepathy to Kammi, "I can wait." Admin PM from-Ginseng: http://auluftwaffles.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/we-know.png Reply PM to-Ginseng: Like I said, though, I've always had high energy, and did my best to train overnight. After this, I was banned. I can't use the forums, so this probably won't be looked at... |
I'd just like to point out it actually wasn't me who ban you. Saying that, I saw Kirby mention she would be looking into your ban, since apparently, this was your first wipe. I don't know if you used the bug on purpose or not, but your stats were messed up due to it and the conclusion was you abused to make such happen.
Ginseng wrote:
I'd just like to point out it actually wasn't me who ban you. Saying that, I saw Kirby mention she would be looking into your ban, since apparently, this was your first wipe. I don't know if you used the bug on purpose or not, but your stats were messed up due to it and the conclusion was you abused to make such happen. Well just making sure. There are races like androids who takes on the strongest android's experience and they catch up quicky. Sparring is a fast way to gain experience as well, if they have low stats and power. |
I mentioned before that, when I come back from a day of AFKness, I sparred whoever is around me at the time. Sparring, I was told, helps with EXP, and you can pass it between people. And I train-verb for a lot of physical stats, which is why my offence and defense, as well as force and resistance, isn't nearly as good compared to it. I don't know what bug is going around, or how it's abusible, but I don't know anything beyond the basics. And even if I did know about any sort of bug, I wouldn't want to use it anyway.