I seem to be getting a strange bug in Opera...I haven't tested it in any other browsers.

When I load up my home page, or one of my blog posts that just got a new comment, the scrollbar doesn't want to load up. I have to click the "Stop Following" link in my comments and then click the "Follow" link that consequently appears to get it to appear correctly, and I use the "Oldest First" and "Newest First" links for my blog comments.

Does anyone else experience this?
... Why are you using Opera?
I just tried it in Opera and I have the same problem only on your blog here it seems.
I decided to try it out. I had to restore my computer to factory settings due to a virus, so I figured I would use it as an opportunity to try something new.
That is quite strange, due to the fact that I am not using any custom CSS at all. If it happens here, it should happen in other default blogs as well.
I find Opera to actually be a pretty good browser for a lot of reasons. I like it more than Firefox personally, but less than Google Chrome. I'm a Chrome fan-boy though.
Albro1 wrote:
That is quite strange, due to the fact that I am not using any custom CSS at all. If it happens here, it should happen in other default blogs as well.

That seems to be the case. I'm getting the problem on all the blogs with the default CSS layout.
Chrome was my favorite, but when I realized how much of a toll it took on my computer(I am a tab guy; I keep lots of tabs open.), I had to say no. It is very good for 1-2 tabs though.
I use Opera and it happens as well. I reported it, but nothing was done about it.
Well, at least I know now that my computer isn't crazy.
Its a Opera bug, people need to report it so it can be fixed. A work around is to change the view to 200% then back to 100%.
The Magic Man wrote:
I use Opera and it happens as well. I reported it, but nothing was done about it.

Reported it to whom? You reported it to us, but we can't do anything about it without knowing what triggers it and what functions as a workaround that we could use. You haven't said if you reported this to Opera themselves yet. To date I can't get anyone to confirm this has been reported to them.
I would report it to them, but I do not have enough data. I do not know if this is a BYOND-only issue, and it would be quite naive of me to report this to their site linking only one site that it has an issue with. Without having proof of it happening on a quite large scale, the chances of it being fixed anytime soon are quite slim.
Without reporting it to them, the chances of it being fixed anytime soon are even slimmer.