Frieza111 wrote:
read the link SilkWizard?command=view_post&post=110915#comments_110915_ski p=2 enough proof that he did it?

I know about that. I posted on it when he first made and he raged at my post and banned me from his blog(more reason to understand why I won't be te first to defend him)

However, no, its not enough proof. Unless Silk says he did it and/or Funimation says [insert name here] sent us an email. It's not enough proof. I suggest you get over it and stop pointing fingers because that won't get BYOND anywhere except make it a war zone.

NOW! If you excuse me I must go to church and repent for defending silk.

F0lak wrote:
Frieza111 wrote:
read the link SilkWizard?command=view_post&post=110915#comments_110915_ski p=2 enough proof that he did it? PerfectGoku?command=view_post&post=111365
What about him?!?

what about him? his just saying it's a good thing which he is wrong, Do you people understand it cost money to maintain a website?
I'm only going to go over this one more time, and then all of you can continue to ignore the truth of events and make up whatever you'd like ;)

Frieza111 wrote:
So you had nothing to do with this?

Archonex wrote:
Try laying out some facts instead.

Akriloth wrote:
well theres no point in continuing work on my dream project if someones just going to have it shut down if the player base is higher than theirs.

I don't consider Falacy to even be in the same league as me or any of the other successful original game developers on BYOND. He certainly wasn't competition to me, and he wasn't a threat.

Granted, I likely inspired the person who ended up reporting Falacy with this blog post that I made, but I didn't report it myself.

If I had really cared deeply about the situation with Falacy's game selling subscriptions on the side, I would have lobbied Tom to get BYOND to stop it from happening. That fact is that I have much better things to worry about right now, so I didn't even do that.

I'm happy to see those games shut down, but I'm even happier that Tom wasn't damaged by it.

In summary: if I had never made that blog post, this probably wouldn't have happened so soon. That said, all of this was likely inevitable anyway. If I had been the one who actually reported Falacy then you would have heard me singing it from the roof tops... not doing it in secret.
Enzuigiri wrote:
Frieza111 wrote:
read the link SilkWizard?command=view_post&post=110915#comments_110915_ski p=2 enough proof that he did it?

I know about that. I posted on it when he first made and he raged at my post and banned me from his blog(more reason to understand why I won't be te first to defend him)

However, no, its not enough proof. Unless Silk says he did it and/or Funimation says [insert name here] sent us an email. It's not enough proof. I suggest you get over it and stop pointing fingers because that won't get BYOND anywhere except make it a war zone.

NOW! If you excuse me I must go to church and repent for defending silk.

Lol you gotta be kidding >.>
SilkWizard wrote:
I'm only going to go over this one more time, and then all of you can continue to ignore the truth of events and make up whatever you'd like ;)

Frieza111 wrote:
So you had nothing to do with this?

Archonex wrote:
Try laying out some facts instead.

Akriloth wrote:
well theres no point in continuing work on my dream project if someones just going to have it shut down if the player base is higher than theirs.

I don't consider Falacy to even be in the same league as me or any of the successful original game developers on BYOND. He certainly wasn't competition to me, and he wasn't a threat.

Granted, I likely inspired the person who ended up reporting Falacy with this blog post that I made, but I didn't report it myself.

If I had really cared deeply about the situation with Falacy's game selling subscriptions on the side, I would have lobbied Tom to get BYOND to stop it from happening. That fact is that I have much better things to worry about right now, so I didn't even do that.

I'm happy to see those games shut down, but I'm even happier that Tom wasn't damaged by it.

In summary: if I had never made that blog post, this probably wouldn't have happened so soon. That said, all of this was likely inevitable anyway.

I promise that if I had been the one who actually reported Falacy then you would have heard me singing it from the roof tops... not doing it in secret.

Either way whoever did it does not seem to understand that BYOND will suffer
Ayito wrote:

Unlike what you're doing you're kinda forcing people to donate, as I stated in the previous post, you pay, you get good at the game, you don't pay you're hopeless and can aswell just quit the game.

He is not forcing anything, stop going off on a tangent.
SilkWizard wrote:
I don't consider Falacy to even be in the same league as me or any of the other successful original game developers on BYOND. He certainly wasn't competition to me, and he wasn't a threat.

Dear God, please forgive me for coming to the defense of thee elitist in trouble. Amen.

And no @Frieza111: Just knowing how big Silks ego is. I know he would be bragging about saving byond and blah blah other crap no one cares about. Which is why I say if you have no proof, shut up.
SilkWizard wrote:
I don't consider Falacy to even be in the same league as me or any of the other successful original game developers on BYOND. He certainly wasn't competition to me, and he wasn't a threat.

Dear God, please forgive me for coming to the defense of thee elitist in trouble. Amen.

Lol funny thing is he might be a good coder but he still copied his idea's from other games... what about dragon warrior?

Enzuigiri wrote:
And no @Frieza111: Just knowing how big Silks ego is. I know he would be bragging about saving byond and blah blah other crap no one cares about. Which is why I say if you have no proof, shut up.

Lol ok fair enough as i said earlier guess it doesn't really matter who did it but it was the wrong move

Okay, i'll call Game Freak and Viz Media to report Naruto and Pokemon games.


Frieza111 wrote:
SilkWizard wrote:
I don't consider Falacy to even be in the same league as me or any of the other successful original game developers on BYOND. He certainly wasn't competition to me, and he wasn't a threat.

Dear God, please forgive me for coming to the defense of thee elitist in trouble. Amen.

Lol funny thing is he might be a good coder but he still copied his idea's from other games... what about dragon warrior?

Let's remember that Anime = Fangame. But Fangame =/= Anime. IMO, Silk's issue is anime.
You could blame certain people who charged money for features in certain DBZ games. As someone who has played DBZ games in the past, I see nothing wrong with having them around. However, doing any form of commercial exploitation definitely raises a red flag and more than likely attract the current copyright holder(s).

In this case, same could've happened to RaeKwon years ago over the Dragonball Zeta V45/V47 source he sold (I didn't buy it, but he did used to sell it charging real money and not BYONDimes if I'm not mistaken). Not referring to Zeta 2 or other earlier versions, but rather later ones when I was still playing Dragonball Zeta.

Heck, I remember X-Vesh trying to sue me over a secret leak (which was never put up as a download) of the source he claimed to have a bought, but then also claimed to have got it from somene else. This source was illegally bought V45/V47. I originally did that private leak when I found he was nothing more than a script kiddie trying to get me to do very dirty jobs such as viruses creating using a VBScript made Virus Generator....

Anyhow, I told him back in 2006 (the year it happened) he couldn't due to the fact he did not possess copyrights to DBZ. Of course he tried to smear me, but didn't work out.

This is a bit of what I have seen with illegal sales of the source (including code and resources). Now, the issue with donations is the fact they can cause a copyright stir as much as subscriptions due to the method of disguise involved. I'll have more to discuss later.
Enzuigiri wrote:
Frieza111 wrote:
SilkWizard wrote:
I don't consider Falacy to even be in the same league as me or any of the other successful original game developers on BYOND. He certainly wasn't competition to me, and he wasn't a threat.

Dear God, please forgive me for coming to the defense of thee elitist in trouble. Amen.

Lol funny thing is he might be a good coder but he still copied his idea's from other games... what about dragon warrior?

Let's remember that Anime = Fangame. But Fangame =/= Anime. IMO, Silk's issue is anime.

Oh well what can you do lol, lets just hope the best for BYOND
Gamefreak/Nintendo won't care. They encourage fanmade work. Which is why there are so many Pokemon MMORGs. They haven't even attempted to shut them down.
Well this is disappointing...sort of.

The only two i'm upset about seeing on that list is DBO2, I feel pretty bad for all of the countless hours Paul and his team put into those graphics only to have this happen to them :\. The other one is DBTC, i enjoyed that too.
Bandock wrote:
You could blame certain people who charged money for features in certain DBZ games. As someone who has played DBZ games in the past, I see nothing wrong with having them around. However, doing any form of commercial exploitation definitely raises a red flag and more than likely attract the current copyright holder(s).

In this case, same could've happened to RaeKwon years ago over the Dragonball Zeta V45/V47 source he sold (I didn't buy it, but he did used to sell it charging real money and not BYONDimes if I'm not mistaken). Not referring to Zeta 2 or other earlier versions, but rather later ones when I was still playing Dragonball Zeta.

Heck, I remember X-Vesh trying to sue me over a secret leak (which was never put up as a download) of the source he claimed to have a bought, but then also claimed to have got it from somene else. This source was illegally bought V45/V47. I originally did that private leak when I found he was nothing more than a script kiddie trying to get me to do very dirty jobs such as viruses creating using a VBScript made Virus Generator....

Anyhow, I told him back in 2006 (the year it happened) he couldn't due to the fact he did not possess copyrights to DBZ. Of course he tried to smear me, but didn't work out.

This is a bit of what I have seen with illegal sales of the source (including code and resources). Now, the issue with donations is the fact they can cause a copyright stir as much as subscriptions due to the method of disguise involved. I'll have more to discuss later.

I remember the Zeta rips lol they were many haha... Just curious if you sold a code for a game how is that illegal if you made the code? change the icons its a different game I think the issue here is the icons and the names
SilkWizard wrote:
I'm only going to go over this one more time, and then all of you can continue to ignore the truth of events and make up whatever you'd like ;)

Frieza111 wrote:
So you had nothing to do with this?

Archonex wrote:
Try laying out some facts instead.

Akriloth wrote:
well theres no point in continuing work on my dream project if someones just going to have it shut down if the player base is higher than theirs.

I don't consider Falacy to even be in the same league as me or any of the other successful original game developers on BYOND. He certainly wasn't competition to me, and he wasn't a threat.

Granted, I likely inspired the person who ended up reporting Falacy with this blog post that I made, but I didn't report it myself.

If I had really cared deeply about the situation with Falacy's game selling subscriptions on the side, I would have lobbied Tom to get BYOND to stop it from happening. That fact is that I have much better things to worry about right now, so I didn't even do that.

I'm happy to see those games shut down, but I'm even happier that Tom wasn't damaged by it.

In summary: if I had never made that blog post, this probably wouldn't have happened so soon. That said, all of this was likely inevitable anyway. If I had been the one who actually reported Falacy then you would have heard me singing it from the roof tops... not doing it in secret.

I'm not going to comment on whether you did or didn't report these games to Byond, as I have no clue if you did. The only evidence i've seen is a rather incriminating post of yours, and that's it. You say it doesn't mean anything, and i'll take your word at that.

However, I really do have to wonder what the hell is wrong with you.

You're happy someone else's work got shut down? What kind of sociopathic crap is that? That isn't something to be proud of. Maybe one or two rips got shut down through this, and a bunch of legitimately unique productions got the axe.

That's not a good thing. That's a very bad thing. It damages the health of Byond to have games that people are actually interested in go down. Nevermind ones that are trying to do some unique ideas.

Hell, speaking as the guy who developed Phoenix, a non-profit fan-game dedicated to bringing back the "golden days" of Finale, and getting people to enjoy DBZ, I find that rather insulting.

I damn well know i'd never give your game a red cent (Can't help but notice that you just made some minor alterations to a few old Dragon Warrior tiles, and called them original, pal.), with that kind of attitude.

Christ. I need to stop reading news post's like this.
Archonex wrote:
However, I really do have to wonder what the hell is wrong with you.

You're happy someone else's work got shut down? What kind of sociopathic crap is that? That isn't something to be proud of. Maybe one or two rips got shut down through this, and a bunch of legitimately unique productions got the axe.

That's not a good thing. That's a very bad thing. It damages the health of Byond to have games that people are actually interested in go down. Nevermind ones that are trying to do some unique ideas.

Hell, speaking as the guy who developed Phoenix, a non-profit fan-game dedicated to bringing back the "golden days" of Finale, and getting people to enjoy DBZ, I find that rather insulting.

I damn well know i'd never give your game a red cent (Can't help but notice that you just made some minor alterations to a few old Dragon Warrior tiles, and called them original, pal.), with that kind of attitude.

Lol I wish BYOND had a like button haha
Okay! I'm reporting all Naruto and Pokemanz gamez! MUHAHAH
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