Honestly, I have never heard a more talented person in my life. As I was on ventrilo, I was asked, "What kind of shit are you smokin'?" Well, Some pretty good stuff (Kidding). Anyway, I honestly don't understand why everyone has been hating on her and stuff, I mean, she is a lyrical genius. In my opinion, Her song fits up there with Toby Keith's rapping. I mean, can't you just feel the power within her lyrics? They're wonderful and express such great emotion. You can tell, that by this single song, she will be our next Britney Spears.
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Mar 27 2011, 4:22 pm
It's actually not her lyrics. The music company Arc Music Factory made the lyrics for her. She just sang them, then they added a bit of auto tune.
Meh it's definitely not the deepest most thought provoking song ever but I find the ridicule a bit excessive...She's only like 13 x.x The parodies are funny as hell though as well as the random rappin black guy in her video..
Mecha Destroyer JD wrote:
Meh it's definitely not the deepest most thought provoking song ever but I find the ridicule a bit excessive...She's only like 13 x.x The parodies are funny as hell though as well as the random rappin black guy in her video.. lmao inorite |
As I said in another blog post about Rebecca, she can't sing, but I'd tap dat.