I was working on a tree and got stuck. Didn't know what to do with the inner side of the tree. Adding some outer lines made it look weird so I just left it plain like this and thought I'd ask the community.

Any tips?

I like it so far, add shading from bottom up. or light from top to bottom.
There a few things, you've taken a typical pine tree shape but made it look like a normal leaf tree, combine that with the tree trunk you've chosen it looks like two different projects.

The tree trunk in itself looks nice, I like it but it is too wide and big for the folliage you've put on it.

it's a 6/10 for the folliage
it's a 8/10 for the tree trunk
it's a 5/10 when combined.
Make the Folliage(What Pandora called it) Bigger and it would fit nicely. Nice Job!
Lol i neeed to learn how to make trees and etc...can you guide me.?
The leaves look flat and lazily mirrored in comparison to the trunk, like it has two different art styles going on.