Q. How Am I Able To Discard Weapons.
A. Using the Mouse, click the weapon icon in the HUD display to discard weapon.
Q. How Am I Able To Discard Items.
A. Discarding Items is disabled, only way to acquire new items is to use the current one.
Q. HUD Display disappeared?
A. When the Screen has resized the HUD Display doesn't respond, Client movement will correct the issue
Q. How To Revive Someone Or Yourself?
A. - (Yourself): Clients with a medic kit in the HUD Display can revive themselves.
A. - (Someone): Players can revive a teammate within a range of 2 tiles, If the client has a medic kit it will grant the "Dead" Player full health.
Q. Why Can't I Open Chests.
A. - (Item Chest) Chests can only be opened, if client has no item in there HUD Display.
A. - (Weapon Chest) Weapon Chests can only be opened, if client has no weapon in there HUD Display.
Q. How Do I Pick Up Weapons.
A. Weapons will equip when the client is over or near Weapon and the client has no weapon in there HUD Display.
Q. How Do I Pick Up Items.
A. Items will equip when the client is near a Item Chest and the client has no item in there HUD Display.
Q. How To Use Call-A-Space FM.
A. Gain Access to the Radio, the client must walk near the radio.
Q. World Save, How Does It Work?.
A. World saves automatically, whenever a client has unlocked a new Weapon or Destroyed parts of the map.
Q. World Save, Outdated?.
A. World Saves can be outdated if the clients World Version doesn't match the games Version.
Q. How Do I Unlock BYOND Member Rewards.
A. Only a BYOND Member can unlock these rewards but they can share you there "World" Folder.
Please, Feel free to post below Questions that need an Answer!
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