So, now that I've sat around for a week or two and done nothing, it's time to work for another half a day or so before taking another month long break.
First thing I am going to do is add some more weapons to W-BAT. But as I said, CONTRIBUTIONS.
I could add them myself, but that is no fun (for me). So, if anyone has suggestions or ideas, speak up and I could consider adding them.
If you have played the game, then be as detailed as you want, if not then here is some basic guidelines to follow.
1. All weapons need a theme.
This means 2 things. First it needs an element
That is a list of them. Weapons can have 1 or 2 with the exception of neutral which is always on it's own.
Second it means the weapon has some sort of general concept.
Examples are a fire axe. It's theme is a fireman's axe. Makes sense.
Another example is a nature staff that's theme is flowers. It looks like a flower. Simple enough.
You get the idea.
2. Some sort of general role for it is needed.
This incorporates both stats and skill, if you want to be specific you can, if not then just something like "it is offensive but slow" is good enough.
But you could say "it is offensive and slow, but most of it's offensive ability comes from the fact that it is good at reducing the enemies defenses".
That is all that is needed. If you want to be more specific about things, you can be.
Chances are if you at least give an idea that is not already in the game, I will add it in some form.
The second thing I am doing is working on War of Heroes.
I haven't touched it for months and months now, but I had a list of stuff I was going to do.
First is re-balancing some classes. Actually re-balancing most gankers and nukers, since they tend to under perform at their roles.
I am also redesigning one or two classes because they are fundamentally flawed (Blood Ravager in particular).
Second thing I will be doing is adding some new classes, and possibly redesigning the class selection screen.
I will be adding 5 new classes to each team. One for each category.
Again, ideas for these are what I am looking for, since I am lazy.
If you've played it before and know how the game works. Go ahead and get busy.
If not then each class has several defining features.
1. Role.
This is the role the class plays. Divided into...
Nuker: Deal high damage with abilities but they tend to not scale (300 damage is 300 damage, when you have 600 hp that is a lot, when you have 3000 it's not). Tend to have abilities that do high burst damage.
Gankers: Good at jumping out of nowhere and picking off vulnerable enemies. Tend to have single target stuns, decent damage and the ability to move around quickly.
Initiators: Good at initiating fights. This means they have abilities to stun lots of people, or to pick off and disable priority targets for a long period of time.
Support: Good at support obviously. They could be healers or buffers, but a debuffer also counts as support. Basically they are good at making it easier to kill the enemy.
Carry: They carry the team. They start out very weak, but have abilities that scale with items, so the more items they get, the stronger they become.
I need 2 of each of these, one for each team.
The teams are humanity, which consists mostly of humans or human like beings (dwarves, elves and so on) or human creations (golems and so on).
The other team is Legion. These are monsters and demons. Anything from hell demons to spider people.
2. They need some kind of theme again.
The theme can be anything really, a warrior, mage or even psychic. An example is pyromancer, his theme is obviously he is a fire mage. Another example is Stone Giant, he is big, strong and throws around rocks.
Abilities will generally be related to their theme. Pyromancer shoots out fire, stone giant uses strong hits and his strength.
3. If you want to go more into the technical details.
Each class has 3 stats, str, agi and int, and one of these is their main stat. Usually these come in either low, medium or high.
They can be either ranged or melee.
They all have 4 abilities, 3 normal and one "ultimate". The ultimate is learned at a higher level and usually stronger, but costs more to use or has a long cooldown. Abilities can either be usable, or passive.
Abilities should be related to role. A nuker is likely to have one or more high damage attacks but not likely to have heals, whereas a support is likely to have heals and buffs, but poor damage dealing abilities.
That is all you need to know. So do the work for me.
I don't know when these updates will come. Within the next 2 weeks I'd say, give or take a week.
![]() Mar 23 2011, 4:54 am
![]() Mar 23 2011, 10:40 am
Don't you already have a Lollipop weapon?
I'm hoping you mean the ORIGINAL WoH.. If you have been noticing us player have been playing the hell out of it lately. If you rework on the original, you can have a really successful game.
The_Legendary_Bitch wrote:
I'm hoping you mean the ORIGINAL WoH.. If you have been noticing us player have been playing the hell out of it lately. If you rework on the original, you can have a really successful game. Nope. That game is just beyond fixing. It is buggy, imbalanced, poorly designed and even more poorly coded. The reason I made a new version of the game is because fixing the old version would have taken more time and effort than simply remaking it. I honestly don't even know why people still play it. The new version is superior in pretty much every way, and some of the changes I am adding only make it better. I have made the gameplay smoother, it doesn't feel as clunky when you move around now. I have also made it so you can make the camera independent of your character, so you can look around the map without moving. (Though BYOND does not allow shared vision at the moment, so you can't actually see anything outside of what you normally see) This function can be toggled on and off, so you can play like the old way (where the camera constantly follows the mob), or the new way. I'm also updating and fixing a lot of the interfaces, and making stuff look a lot better. Obviously there is lots of balancing fixes on the way, and new classes. I may possibly improve the graphics too. For some reason people seem to prefer so serious grimdarker graphics. Which I can make. Since no one wanted to contribute ideas, I have 10 classes planned out for now. They are... Swashbuckler - Melee carry that is good at countering and redirecting attacks. Illusionist - Ranged Ganker that is good at confusing enemies. Cryomancer - Ranged initiator. Good at AOE slows. Blade Dancer - Melee nuker, good at getting up close to unleash high damage. Warlord - Melee support. Good at using aoe buffs/debuffs. Blackguard - Melee carry. Hard as hell to kill, can even revive self. Chimera - Melee ganker. Lots of dot poison and slow effects. Voidmancer - Ranged Initiator. Lots of abilities to limit or block enemy movement. Vengeful Spirit - Ranged Nuker. Can increase damage output as it loses Hp. Lich - Ranged Support. Excellent at weakening enemies and making it harder to heal them. If I improve graphics, I can have these done within 2 weeks or so. Maybe a lot less. |
I have some suggestions for you since others haven't added any..
1. Items Winged Sandals - Allows the user to maneuver over mobs, and trees for a short period of time when activated. Gives same speed stats as Boots of Haste. Heart Shield - A shield that lowers the waerer's defense by a small amount, increases their health by a small amount but deals back 10-20% of magic damage upon use. Poison Ivy - A beautiful lustful weapon wrapped in vines that has the chance of dealing poison damage to it's targets periodically. |