Absolutely Astonishing game. It's a wonderful experience that allows you to escape from that of the rips or the games that copy the styles of BotLS and such. The gameplay is honestly, one of the best, once you figure out how to actually do stuff, such as level up. It had taken me over ten+ hours to figure out how to simply make it to level two. However, the fact that I had played it for ten hours before that, should really say something. It's a bit tedious to start out, yet the game gets you hooked.
The players aren't allowed to tell you what you're to do to gain the upper-ranks and such, therefore making you use common sense (A Great touch, in my personal opinion, seeing as many people lack in it now-a-days). The level-cap is stopped at around level four-hundred and now very many players ever get that high. Though, level doesn't seem to matter in this, seeing as at level one, I could have Seven-Thousand Taijutsu and, if skilled enough with my attack verb, beat somebody that was a level One-Hundred (Highly unlikely, but possible.)
The graphics, I can honestly say, aren't anything special, compared to that of Naruto: Evolution by Crazah or maybe even GoA by Masterdan yet, the style of the game is unique. There aren't any set-ranks as they are consistantly changing and the game utilizes the ability to make it's own guilds, which require admin acceptance and that of Chuunin rank, which is actually, difficult to obtain.
Anyway, if you haven't checked out Shinobi of Legend yet, I'd be sure to stop in at your nearest re--- Sorry, wrong advertisement there. But Seriously, Go check it out.
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