I created 3 types of the same design, and they're picked randomly when the grass tile is created. I also created 3 very simple flower types to go along with it, which have a small chance of spawning with a new grass tile.

The effect is pretty nice in my eyes, I can't find any way to detect the seams unless you use the flowers as a guide.
What do you guys think?
Now let me start by saying this: I hate looped tiles, I prefer a set of the same type that you can arrange on your own, because you don't have to worry about grids and borrying sceneries that way.
Now, let's take a look at your palette... It's teh same color, but in 3 darker versions... You gotta think about this for a minute, when you use your color pencils do you just shade grass with the same pencil but try to do it in darker and lighter fashions? it doesn't work out. What you need to do is use more yellows, aquamarines, dark blues, and if you want to even purples. Just get a whole array in there, don't be afraid.
Next thing is the simplicity of the tile, this tile looks overdone - like you tried too hard. Grass can look like anything you make it look, so why try so hard to have a patch of grass in every single section of the 32x32 box? let the negative space breathe a bit, put a stitch of grass here, a stitch of grass there... Not everywhere and all over the box lol.
If I hadn't 20 million other things up right now that required my attention I'd make an edit to show you, but alas, I cannot. I hope I helped a bit in your pixel quest, good luck with your next set of tiles!