
Poll: Petition: BR Server for Zee

Yes 100% (98)

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Just a petition. Just vote above and leave a comment if you want to sign it.

(Pointless racism, or trolling etc, will just be deleted. If you don't want it, don't bother commenting / voting.)
We really need a brazilian server!
Nos precisamod de um server brasileiro :D

É isso ae, valeu.

Thanks '-'.
Adding a BR Server is a good idea.
Will be cool a brazilian server /õ .
Vai ser legal um servidor brasileiro o/
Its a opportunity to latin players do a good RP.
I'd like to see how well people in my country roleplay. Most of them I know can't roleplay shit.

I just don't want people to come in the server and troll us by keeping saying alot of insults in spanish, which is not our native language.
Man, a BR server would help a lot...some brazilians play the game, some wanna buy packages, but, due to we need pay dollar instead of real, some time it's a problem, another thing is that it would be much easier roleplay at Portuguese than English, i don't know about the others Brazilians, but my english isn't the "best"
If you try to work in a BR Server, you should work in a Spanish Server.

People from Spain and SouthAmerica would play, I already enjoy playing current English servers, sadly it's true, we can't compare our grammar with native english people. It's just an idea.

Anyway, I don't think this will be made, we need more Spanish Community, but they'd play more.

((Psst: The SouthAmericans aren't from Spain, on Spain we speak different words, and accent is better. Bye))
English only, Kamekians are for brazilians :P
...Where's the rest of the options?!
Dude..EXgen..Why do you keep Banning me?? The first Time ok...I understand..Second time dude..You just pulled that bull out the hat for no real was I metaGaming? (the first time ok,maybe gulity even tho my charater was an incarnate) Second time..You just did that for no reason! If you got a problem with me then talk to me..Booting/Banning me without warning and logical reason is a wimp move due
Lewis is a dumbass. Pay no respect to his bannings. They never make sense. It's okay, Mario.