Example being;
Grass1... etc
I'm thinking to define certain types for behavior, and using parent_type for inheritance.
Example being edges, there's certain types of behavior I've defined for them, but not all edges will be defined under that type this way.
Can I not do..
parent_type = /obj/Buildable/Edges
and inherit the edge behavior? I believe thats right after reading the reference.
Also, does this explicity change the type var?
Example: The EarthGrassland Edge up there would have a type value of /obj/Buildable/Edges?
Thanks for anyone who clears this up (Im kinda' lazy.. I could just test it.)
So yes, it will work as you expect. Your edge will have a type of /EarthGrassland/Grass/Edge (for example) but will actually inherit properties from /obj/Buildable/Edges.