#1. Issues with co-workers and their stupid need for ego and power. Fail.
#2. DreamDaemon decided to start crashing on the ResourceCenter at random times effectively shutting down the project until the issue gets addressed which doesn't appear to have priority and why should it. It's not even a game.
#3. BYOND staff decided to pull the Resource Center from the feature list because "it's not a game" AND "it's not being hosted". Gee... I wonder why!? I guess when your down, you should be kicked in the face, repeatedly.
#4. I've been bug fixing, rearchitecting, and cleaning code for days JUST to have the whole project slam into a wall. What a brutal thing to have happen when you already squeezing for drops of motivation.
#5. I gained a pound over the weekend after losing over 20 in a competition that ends Friday.
I am so distraught and I imagine my blood pressure is frickin pegged right about now. Am I acting a little childish, absolutely. I'm venting and have no cure. I have no game to play that makes me happy. I have no project to work on. I have nothing... to distract me except this temporary blog outlet which is ending right now.
![]() Mar 7 2011, 7:45 pm
Aw, suckage. Deep breaths, my friend!
This is really awful, and I totally disagree with the BYOND staff over the removal of the Resource Center. BYOND used to have a Utility category, and the Resource Center is a utility so why should it not be listed? It's original and has inspired quite a few people to push resources out they otherwise wouldn't have released.
I do think it looks bad that BYOND has so few featured games and one isn't even a game.
I suggested to Tom a few weeks ago that the front games page display more arbitrary lists of games. The list would be 3-5 games and would either appear in place of the new/featured games box or be in the right column. It would list things like "top 5 games with the tag _____" or "Tom's favorite BYOND classics". The idea is that certain hub entries deserve front page exposure but might never qualify as a featured game. You could push him to work on this and have a "top utilities" list. I think they're working on something for featured developer resources, the resource center would be a better fit there. |
To my knowledge, "featured" resources will work on popularity, by your number of member fans. It's been weeks since I've heard word on this though.
We'll definitely need to consider the feature guidelines for apps (to distinguish the Resource Center from say ... a Temperature Converter) if the games section isn't picking this up. |
Forum_account wrote:
I suggested to Tom a few weeks ago that the front games page display more arbitrary lists of games. We actually did a full implementation of this but it didn't work as well as I'd hoped. The main problem is that the "arbitrary lists" of games are mostly terrible; half of them are unplayable. In order to have more games exposed on the front-page, we need to do another round of actually weeding through Listed games. The main purpose of the front-page is not for existing users but rather for incoming ones, to show a sampling of "BYOND's best". The popularity filter does a reasonable job at this and we hope to supplement it with some unplayed gems through the "featured" concept (which I'm still somewhat dubious about considering how long it is taking to get any games in the Listing, even no-brainers like Teridal and Ultimatum). I think the Resource Center is fine but it isn't a game and it doesn't cater to most of our audience. Probably it should go in the developer section, which we have yet to fully explore. |
I hear your pain in regards to co-workers and egos. Though mine is a new manager with serious micromanagement issues.
I came here to make a side comment, but I wanted to comment on the blog first: I'm sorry for the rough week, hopefully things will get better in time though. :/
Side note: I'm getting into Android Development too. If you are interested in helping each other out, my e-mail is [email protected] I've always thought learning something is easier alongside someone else to bounce ideas off of. |
Lets do it. I'm just starting out though. Installed the Android SDK last night. I don't seem to be moving as fast. As for rough week. Try this on for size.
Got a 270$ ticket for doing 31 in a 20 this morning. They no longer allow you to dispute and lower the price without it going on your record. |