Looking for:
1 person, skilled with Photoshop (and an optional scanner), for character designs, location designs, etc.
1 Person, skilled with musical media programs to generate music for BYOND games.
Project TH has recently lost 2 members.
Mr Waltz has been fired.
Xaiphin has quit due to a huge amount of RL issues, including family.
On top of our Original needs of:
1-2 persons, skilled with pixel art, able to work in, or willing to upgrade their talents, into the realm of Isometric pixel art.
If you wish to join, please leave a comment and your Instant Messenger COntact Details. Thank you.
![]() Mar 3 2011, 12:46 pm (Edited on Mar 4 2011, 2:44 am)
![]() Mar 3 2011, 2:27 pm
Woah, people getting fired. What'd he do to deserve that?
It might sound a bit selfish or childish, but I might as well explain.
Waltz was fired for (in order of priority): 1: Insulting the project as a whole. 2: Insulting me (ties into #1). 3: Constantly taunting me about another project he's working on and acting special because the 2-man team has something done. 4: Acting like a game he made, using entirely Ripped NES AND SNES icons was infinitely better, despite the fact the icons were so radically different it obviously clashed and looked horrid, was "amazing" and "much better than [my] project". Mostly, his gigantic ego finally made me grew sick of him. No humility in him at all, he thinks because he's now a big name in music on BYOND thanks to Regressia, he's free to treat others as crap. Fugsnarf isn't even defending him, and Fug considers him a very close friend. He even notes Waltz has always been like this and doesn't blame me at all (and Fug's the 2nd in command of Project TH). And to think, this all started because I refused to tell what I stated here: that his "Final Fantasy" game was horridly designed (ffs, the map was "free", but had annoyingly planned out Trees that look like: ^ ^ || setting a fixed @ route to leave the 'first' town based on his screenshots. And did the same with bad cactus in another screenshot, IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DESERT). Because I refused to tell him his game would suck as a FF based game for being Overly linear and HORRID mishmash of graphics, he chose to start the whole fight. So I dismissed him. I have no need for him anymore. I hold 2 things on Project TH: No member's more important than anyone else (Fugsnarf himself almost got booted for this) And we must each push our own abilities beyond their limits to make this game the best possible on BYOND. Sadly, Waltz couldn't fit the first criteria. |
IF there's one thing I like about my team Sandlight, currently 3 of us are willing to try to fill in the gaps in some way eventually in our team, although we'd still be moving as slow as molasses, at least we'd be filling in our missing points.
In all of these posts, the only concrete development progress is the loss of two team members. It seems like it's taking a lot of work to coordinate the team's effort, have you considered that you might be better off with two fewer people? (at least until some progress is made)
The team's coordinated.
Waltz was an oddball. And Xai, who I've known for years, finally hit a wall. Her father's got cancer and may die, her cat's gone blind, she has health issues herself. She just felt the need to quit all Artwork (not just "Twilight herald". The huge problem is, we lack the pixel art manpower to proceed at a decent rate to provide visible "Development progress". As I said, if you intend on complaining about a lack of eye candy, either stop posting until we can get you eye candy, or help find us a PA or 2 capable of helping. |