for(var/area/bridge/B in world)
if(B.ID == src.ID)
if(B == src)
usr.loc = B.loc
Basically, what this does is detects if there is another area out there with the same ID is it when a player walks in to it. If this is the case, then it makes sure that it's not just referring to itself, and makes the player go to the other area.
EDIT: Whoops, I forgot to include 2 ='s. Sorry for any confusion.
Firstly, Entered() is more suited for this. Enter() is meant to be the event that determines whether or not you can, well, enter the tile. Entered() is an event fired after Enter() has occured.
Secondly, you shouldn't be using usr within Enter() (or Entered()). If a non-mob were to wander onto the tile, it would generate a runtime error because it wouldn't know what usr is.