In possibly the worst case of anti-Muslim prejudice to date in the country, over half of 5,054 respondents (about 2-4 times the usual questioned in UK polls) agreed to the statement that Muslims cause problems.

Its not quite clear how these results are based on, the full report does not come out till tomorrow, and this information is based on what national papers with advance access to the report have said. The group has only mentioned brief details regarding questions of immigration in their summary which will mean waiting for the full report to truly understand what their questions posed was and any implications of that is.

The group conducting the poll is a socialist leaning group called Searchlight, that traditionally attacked the far right for racism against Blacks, Asians and Jews in the past, but have had to change their focus largely to Muslims in recent years.

The report should be available sometime tomorrow at
The actual statement was "Muslims create problems in the UK," a far different statement than "Muslims cause problems."
We tend to paint people all the same, so "cause problems" might as well be "likely to cause/causing problems in the UK too" for a lot of people.
"The actual statement was "Muslims create problems in the UK," a far different statement than "Muslims cause problems.""

That's why I'm waiting for the full report, its difficult to say what it means as its all second hand information from different UK papers putting their own ideological spin onto it until they actually release it.

I'm also rather sceptical of it given the source: Searchlight, which is affiliated with the "Hope not Hate" group and by extention "Unite Against Fascism" which despite its apparently non-violent element tends to turn its head (as the English Defence League does) when its members end up smashing things and attacking the police.
Why dwell on it? Verbal/written racism is best left ignored. Also, you're hardly the poster boy for the type of Muslims they are referring to.
so what they're saying is over 50% of the people they polled were chavs?
That's what you get when you poll kids on street corners.
Wow, I thought you would be above generalisation Kisioj, as if it doesn't happen in other communities. [Deleted]
The report is now up on the website, although I can't find a PDF file, they've actually made it one of the worst presented pages ever.
Acebloke wrote:
Wow, I thought you would be above generalisation Kisioj, as if it doesn't happen in other communities. [Deleted]

I am not hating muslims in general in any way, I just understand why other people does. If some people of the community do terrible things, whole community is accused.

I know that not all of the muslims are terrorists or cruel towards women, but the fact is that the most (if not all) of the terrorists are muslims and also another fact is that women aren't treated as equal to men in many cases there.

Same goes for catholic pops, there is a stereotype that most of them are pedophiles. Even if it's not true, I'm sure it's easier to find pedophile in pops group than (for example) in teachers group.

It's nothing personal, and the photos were really worthy. They were showing how the women can be treated in extreme cases if they don't obey their men orders. That's how it works in islam: for doing that, those men were not punished because 'they had right to do it' <.<

And this is the problem...

We still have Catholic Terrorists in the UK, Spain, France and Communist-Socialist leaning terror groups trying to blow people up in Greece, Italy, Germany; yet what these people do don't become generalisations of what people they claim to represent.

"That's how it works in islam: for doing that, those men were not punished because 'they had right to do it' <.<"

Except that is a total load of crap, Islam doesn't allow anyone to mistreat another, yet that is what everyone believes despite scripture saying the opposite.