I've been having tons of fun with my new amp. Recently I've become obsessed with the song Sanitarium, by Metallica. So, I decided to record a small section of it using my new amp. :)

It's the intro solo and the chorus. I know I didn't wait long enough between the two, but I didn't feel like making people wait the time for the chorus... Without the singing, it would have been boring.

What do you think?

Keep them coming! I like. Have you heard Limp Bizkit's version of Sanitarium from the MTV Icon awards? I thought that version was awesome.

Still, nice!
Yeah, I heard it. I wasn't too huge on it, but I don't like Limp Bizkit. I did however, enjoy Korn's rendition of One. The singer did an excellent job at sounding like James Hetfield during the heavier parts. I was amazed!
Yeah, Korn did have an amazing energy on the stage when they played One.
Sounds sweet! What kind of guitar and effects are you using?

Metallica's stuff is always fun to play. Sanitarium, One, Fade to Black, Battery, Trapped Under Ice, etc.

GNR stuff is pretty fun too, because they tended to use some very noticeable rifts.
The guitar I'm using is actually an ESP KH602 -- Kirk Hammett's signature guitar.

As for the effects:

The clean channel amp model is based off of a Mesa Boogie Mark II c, with a little chorus and a fair amount of reverb.

The lead tone is based off of "The Savage 120". Low treble, high mids, and using the neck pickup. I also have some reverb and delay on it.

As for the distortion channel... It doesn't say the amp that it's modelled after, but I can only assume it's a Soldano, because it says players such as Steve Vai and Joe Satriani use it. I keep this channel dry -- no effects what-so-ever.

I agree that Metallica is fun to play. I don't know any GNR, but I'll have to learn some if you say it's fun to play. :)
ESP KH602.

I am jealous. So so jealous.

Oh trust me, I'm enjoying this guitar! I only got it recently, and I upgraded from low a low end Squier and Mockingbird. This thing blows them both out of the water BIG TIME.

Gotta love those EMG 81's. :)
You might be interested in Beatallica. I play "I Want To Choke Your Band" on Fool's Turlin
VERY nicely done! Your playing is spot on!