(See the best response by NNAAAAHH.)

How do you make a popup browser? I'm assuming it has to do with winset, but I have yet to see tutorials that go deep enough on winset for this.

Basically, I don't really want the default browser embedded in the default window to change, either.
Best response

mob<<browse([html stuff],window=[window_name];size=[x],[y];[ect];)
Do I have to make a window in winset? If so, do I need to put a browser in there?
browse() automatically creates a window and browser control for you, if you specify a name.
Thank you both. :)
A question regarding this post, when using this, how do you use the for() proc within it? For instance, what if you're using the window for a "Who" box?
In response to BeignetLover
BeignetLover wrote:
A question regarding this post, when using this, how do you use the for() proc within it? For instance, what if you're using the window for a "Who" box?

You can build the page using a string:


html += "[c.mob] ([c])<br>"

src << browse(html, "window=whomenu")