Hmm.. The only case I can think of where setting loc will fail is when you try loc=locate(x,y,z) before run-time generation of the map. In this case, locate will return null.
In response to Jemai1
Jemai1 wrote:
Hmm.. The only case I can think of where setting loc will fail is when you try loc=locate(x,y,z) before run-time generation of the map.

Maybe it was setting the loc of two things to the same loc in the same tick? I can't remember.
I believe you're talking about Move instead. Setting loc doesn't do any checking or whatsoever. It simply sets the location.
In response to Jemai1
Jemai1 wrote:
I believe you're talking about Move instead. Setting loc doesn't do any checking or whatsoever. It simply sets the location.

I'll dig up the source where it occured. Perhaps it was a bug.
Hmm, turns out it was if Cross() returns 0 before a delayed loc = blah is set to happen.

icon = 'transfer.dmi'
var/loc_tag = null as text
layer = FLY_LAYER
mouse_opacity = 0
//invisibility = 101

Enter(atom/movable/a) //using Enter() instead of Entered() so that people or objects can't block transfers
var/location = locate(src.loc_tag)
return ..()
return ..()
return 0

return 1


var/tmp/transferring = 0

if(!location) return

src.transferring = 1

//src.x = location.x //we must set x y and z because setting loc can cause black outs
//src.y = location.y
//src.z = location.z
src.loc = location //black screen!!

src.transferring = 0

This would happen when the destination location had a box on it which overrode Cross() and returned 0
Are you certain that location is a turf? loc = locate(location.x,location.y,location.z) shouldn't pose any problem.
loc_tag is a text tag

either way, i changed my advice code.

my code base is more confusing.
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