Gah gah gah gah gah gah gah gah gah gah gah gah gah gah gah gah... GAH!

Went to Ema's house and within minutes my wrists started itching. Looked like a few hives had broken out. Flea bite? Within a few more minutes it had spread to the rest of my entire body. Definitely not flea bites.
I had touched one of Ema's cats, but I'm never allergic to cats!
The last time I had an allergic reaction like this (hives breaking up all over my body, itching like mad, no way to calm it) was coming into contact with benzyl benzoate in certain shampoos.

Christ. It's hours, hours later and I've had another outbreak. My entire body is freakin' burning with these freakin', freakin' hives. GAH GAH GAH!

Pic of my wrist:

Basically like this but much worse looking in real life- white, sticking out hives and red raw skin. Think of that, but all over my entire body. :S :S :S

I'm gonna go have a shower to try and ease the burning and itching.
Ouch, my dad suggests anti-histamines, like benadryl.
Yes Benadryl all the way! (Its my cure all) but yeh take 2 then sleep it off or get the benadryl cream...that works good too...takes like 15 minutes to work...

-Ruler of all that is Benadryl:
Elation, will you accept Benadryl into your life? Hm? He will guide you to salvation! Praise the Benadryl!


or you could spend an eternity in a shower-gel-infested hell... your choice ;)
=| wtf iz benadryl
Basically like this but much worse looking in real life- white, sticking out hives and red raw skin. Think of that, but all over my entire body. :S :S :S<<<<

sounds sexy =]

benadryl is an american drug that helps most people with indoor and outdoor allergies related to histamine.

Maybe you have aids :P

I got that on my arms and chest when I had too much red dye.
I have no allergies. :) Yay for me.
*Lifts up his whip of nine poison ivey-tails!*

Got Elly Done!
Plz luv Farm Girl Varia!