Neblim wrote:
At least you spelled it right, unlike the people that rip graphics from LoG and create rips.
I still enjoy how these get 5x more replies than development blogs do.
Alright Neblim, we are going under two different assumptions of the definition of fangame. So I can be on your level, would it be fair to say that the Super Smash Bros. series is a fangame?

^ this is specifically for a better understanding of your side of this argument.
Now that BYOND has effectively taken care of the major rip problem that has been dragging it down for so many years, there's nothing that can deter its growth and future success, and that includes fan games.
Stephen001 wrote:
I still enjoy how these get 5x more replies than development blogs do.

development blogs need to start making obnoxious lists, posting false information, making ridiculous claims, holding biased positions, and rimjobbing silk
Zaole wrote:
Stephen001 wrote:
I still enjoy how these get 5x more replies than development blogs do.

development blogs need to start making obnoxious lists, posting false information, making ridiculous claims, holding biased positions, and rimjobbing silk

The only reason you're arguing with me is because you don't like the fact that I made a blog post in which I'm encouraging people to help Silk, a person you hate.

You're banned and you still can't get over it. That's why you took the time out to make this blog post. I hope Silk has an enormous amount of success so I can see you hater idiots wallow in despair.

Whine more. I don't ban people from my blog. Let it all out.
Stephen001 wrote:
I still enjoy how these get 5x more replies than development blogs do.

That's what happens when you make a blog post with the word "Silk" in it. The same faithful enemies of his attack you like a band of wild boars.
Honestly i have no idea who Silk is or what game he won't i only came here out of interest after reading the title.
Akriloth wrote:
Honestly i have no idea who Silk is or what game he won't i only came here out of interest after reading the title.

I was mostly referring to Neblim and Zaole. They are just a few of an entire gang of Silk haters who really would like NEStalgia and every thing else Silk's produces to just fail and die.

I assume it's because they were banned and they can't do anything about it. They can't get a refund, they can't get back into the game, they can't ban Silk from anything except from their crap blog no one cares about, and so the only way for them to get back at him is to insult him every chance they get.

The sad part about it is that they've been doing this for years. It's not something that happened a day ago, or a few weeks ago, this was happening last year and the year before and probably the year before that too. Not necessarily drama originating from NEStalgia, but Silk in general.
Neblim wrote:
Quit trying to spread the confusion of his paranoia.

Funny, because the first time that I'd ever heard of you was in 2009 months before NEStalgia was even released when you emailed me saying that most of NEStalgia's graphics were ripped and that I shouldn't call the game original.

But don't let reality stop you from once again blabbering like the emotionally disturbed freak that you are ;)
Just a question, where would you group fan-games that work like a spin-off such as my little project?
EmpirezTeam wrote:
For one, we have enough fan-games as it is. We've hit the pbags, we've used the jutsus, we've caught the Pikachus. There is more to gaming than the same old BS developers keep producing.

So why do professional game developers keep producing the same old BS :(

Bioware has essentially been remaking KOTOR for the past 8 years.

There are a metric asston of pokemon games that are all exactly the same with a few gimicks.


The only people still on the originality route are a few indie developers, and frankly that's like beating a half-dead horse and expecting it to run like a well-cared-for stallion.
EmpirezTeam wrote:
The only reason you're arguing with me is because you don't like the fact that I made a blog post in which I'm encouraging people to help Silk, a person you hate.

actually the reason i responded was to point out the incorrect things in your post (such as SAx and Iain's "lack" of advertising)

You're banned and you still can't get over it. That's why you took the time out to make this blog post. I hope Silk has an enormous amount of success so I can see you hater idiots wallow in despair.

i seriously honestly made that post with good intentions. i wasn't being sarcastic or snarky about the question (although i did include a joke about how long he's taken to do it). it upsets me that even the front page moderators took that post as a "thinly (or thickly) veiled personal attack". :( oh, and you agreed with my sentiment in that post, you silly troll you

i too hope silk has an enormous amount of success, because it's a good game and BYOND would benefit from it
Cody123100 wrote:
So why do professional game developers keep producing the same old BS :(

Bioware has essentially been remaking KOTOR for the past 8 years.

There are a metric asston of pokemon games that are all exactly the same with a few gimicks.


The only people still on the originality route are a few indie developers, and frankly that's like beating a half-dead horse and expecting it to run like a well-cared-for stallion.

There is a significant difference between a small game made with BYOND, and a large, commercial project.
That difference is millions of dollars (potentially tens if not hundreds of millions).

The reason commercial games are like this is because there is too much money involved to be creative. They know what sells, so they make games that sell.
Being creative is not worth it if you run the risk of losing millions and millions of dollars.

Indie games don't really have this problem, especially BYOND games.
Neblim wrote:
I'm not an emotionally disturbed freak, thank you.

Emailing me with threats, frequently ranting about me on your blog, and joining every discussion in which my name comes up in order to bash me indicates that you're emotionally disturbed. Claiming that I'm paranoid for acknowledging that you're obsessed with me makes you a freak.
You guys do know that the poster is a troll (Rip Nation). So giving this depth perspective and replies is really unwarranted (Unless you like feeding trolls, which people do).
PerfectGoku wrote:
You guys do know that the poster is a troll (Rip Nation). So giving this depth perspective and replies is really unwarranted (Unless you like feeding trolls, which people do).

lmao, i have to admit, if i could name a more persistent troll than myself, it would have to be you.
About point 5: The posts between both Silk and Neblim, and PerfectGoku and EmpirezTeam are proving that people around BYOND can't get along. Whatever grudges they hold against each other, they impose it on everyone else in the form of hateful comments that have derailed more than one blog post.
I wasn't talking about your other posts. I was talking about the posts between the users I mentioned.

These 'moments of weakness' seem to happen a lot, all over the site, with most of its user-base, myself included. We can't say "I'll stop if...". We need to buck up and just stop.
I wouldn't call Silks post useless. Sure, you might not agree with what he said, how he worded it, or whatever, but you have to acknowledge the fact that he is among the few people around the community who actually posts his development philosophies and practices. Just because you don't like them doesn't make them wrong.

So far as the post regarding fangames goes: I agree with what's happened. Fangames are no longer featured. You should notice the Fangame link located along with everything else on the right side of the front page of BYOND. It's ripped material that is no longer accessible through anything other than a direct search (it should be not at all). BYOND wishes to advertise original games on their main listing. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that.
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