Keywords: flash, html5
Speaking in game design, I'm familiar with Newgrounds, Miniclip, etc., but I noticed each of those sites is reliant on Flash. Even adultswim is rather dependent on Macromedia's tool, and the issue I'm finding is so many people are against it.

Now, I haven't looked into the actionscript language enough to be able to say anything bad about that, but as far as display-wise, I am not really seeing any major issues with the use of Flash, and I'd really like to know what I'm missing.

My understanding is HTML5 can do anything Flash can do and more, but that leads to another question - is HTML5 object-oriented? And does it have the capability of supporting multiple users, and dynamically changing its content like Flash can - (If user A types in message "Hello", does HTML5 have the ability to retreive that message for user B to be able to see that without refreshing?).

So many questions, and I can find so little, but I remember quite a bit of ranting coming from the BYOND community. I just don't see what's so wrong with Flash, and I'd like to hear why I should be enlightened, as well as the true capabilities of HTML5 - especially in regards to dynamically retreiving information (mainly interested in a chatroom system as I am not very good at JQuery, but also interested in little minigames).
HTML5 is a mark-up language. Javascript is what "does everything flash can do and more", when in combination with HTML5 elements. Javascript can be OO, yes, however more importantly, Javascript lends itself to event-model programming, which really suits how people interact with browsers (and most games).
Well, one issue with Flash is that it's proprietary, which goes against the typical view that the web should be open and not rely on specific technologies. Hence the promotion of a number of open formats for audio and video as well. Of course, the inclusion of MP3 for Audio and H.264 for Video has caused some turmoil, as they each have patents or are proprietary.

The biggest thing is that, if HTML5 directly supports things like audio, video, and an element to draw on, then there is no need to download a plugin like Flash, and on top of that it's all open, meaning browsers can implement their own version.
IE9 will also provide HW support making awesome games possible with HTML5 and Canvas. Your going to see amazing things done on websites and with games once IE9 releases. I predict the web is going to be an explosion of interaction and special effects 9-12 months after it is released.
Though Adobe's own Flash Player is closed, the Flash format itself is open, not proprietary.