[Main Idea]
So this just an idea to add the Gold and Sliver brothers to the villain's team. I like both the characters for the short time they where around in the anime/manga. So the idea is that they both work like the Demon Brothers in the game; two icons but the same player.
The way they would work is that the main way of trapping is to hit someone with the Kōkinjō move (with a 3 min. cool down). This will cause the person that was hit to have a blue cloud above them. After this the brother's player must hit the player with the cloud three times with the basic attack (The Shichiseiken). If this happens the person that was hit will lose there blue cloud but be trapped in the Benihisago (maybe Insta-trap or it could be a move on the jutsu list to be used later).
The main form of attack of the G&S Brother's player. The Bashōsen is able to use five moves in jutsu list. The first being a fire based attack that shoots three fire balls in front the brothers. The wind based attack the Bashōsen would let the G&S brothers do is a large gust of wind, like Temari's attack. The lightning attack could be a short lightning shot that could stun someone for a short time, giving the brothers a small window of time to use the "trapping" move. The forth move would maybe be a earth move that causes two earth pillars to spit up from the ground, in front and behind the brothers, for a short time. The last move that the Bashōsen could use is a water based attack that makes a water pillar defense from the ground.
[Two lives]
This idea i'm a bit "eh" on cause I was thinking that when you die you only loss Ginkaku but Kinkaku will still be alive. In this form Kinkaku will enter "Six-tailed mode". In this mode Kinkaku will be unable to use any jutsu and only be able to melee until a healer revives his brother, this could be done by simple using the revive move around him as if he was a dead body, making them go into their normal with jutsu and all. Also just a side note that in Six-tailed mode Kinkaku's melee will not be faster but a bit stronger as to give him a chance to fight back anyone hitting him to death.
So in general they will be the first person on villain team to be able to trap someone (I think :p) and will be able to use about 6(or 7) move; Word steal (Kōkinjō),?Benihisago Trap?, "Bashōsen" Coil of Fire, "Bashōsen" Flurry of Wind, "Bashōsen" Blast of Lightning, "Bashōsen" Shocking Pillars, "Bashōsen" Ocean Wall.
Thanks for reading and please comment ideas
~Forgotten Noble